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Natalie was a tall seventeen year old girl and was going on a train trip with her mother. She was very hyper and enthusiastic, because when she sees anything in the world she would call it out to the people she travels with. 

Waiting for the train in the station, beside Natalie and her mother were a group of four girls that looked around the same age as Natalie chatting very loudly. 

The silver train appeared quickly. 

"There's the train! There's the train!" Natalie exclaimed with joy to her mother.

"Oh yes, there it is. We can now get ready to see the beautiful scenery." Her mother replied.

As the train stopped, Natalie held her mother's hand and entered the train. Natalie and her mother sat next to the four girls they waited adjacent to for the train. Natalie then squealed and exploded with excitement when the train moved. She got out her notebook to write down what she sees during the train ride. 

Natalie began to call out what she saw; "I can see trees, apple trees! Grass! Birds! Sky! Clouds!..."  Natalie shouted out everything she saw in the train. Suddenly, Natalie saw an ice cream man delivering ice cream in the train. 

"Mummy! I want an ice cream! I want strawberry, my favourite!" Natalie asked with delight.

"Oh Darling, absolutely. Let me buy that strawberry ice cream for you," Her mother smiled. "You seem very excited today." 

All of a sudden, the girls next to them were laughing, giggling, pointing out and teasing Natalie with the actions she did and calling out.

"Hey, can I ask you why you keep on calling out everything you see?" One of the girls questioned. 

"It's kind of weird to see a grown up do that," another girl said. 

Natalie suddenly felt upset and disheartened deep inside.

"Well girls," her mother responded, "my daughter was born blind and she could not have vision until yesterday, this is her first time to be able to see things that is why she was very excited."

The four girls felt guilty and immediately apologized for their cold actions towards Natalie. 

Moral: Think before you act

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