The Head Boy Candidates

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Felix and Elliot were both candidates to be the head boy next academic year. They both had different characteristics. Felix was very popular and likes to be involved with everything. However, deep inside he was conceited, a cheat and lies to people. While Elliot although he seems more reserved, he is very generous and always nice to people. Elliot likes everybody, but does not like Felix. 

"I am so going to be the head boy next year. I wrote such a fantastic speech!!!" He said multiple of times to every student. But, nobody really paid attention. "I have been practising all day and all night!" 

"Hey!!" Elliot said overhearing, "I have applied to that as well. But, all you talk about is being head boy. I have studies to do as well." 

"But Elliot," Jake said from behind, "Felix is the most popular boy in the school. I can't wait for him to be Head Boy." 

But, Elliot wasn't happy with the way on how everyone should choose Felix more than hi

Next week, Felix and Elliot were going to make their speeches for other boys to vote for them in being Head Boy. Elliot was very nervous holding his script tightly, while Felix was feeling confident. 

"Hey Elliot," Felix whispered backstage, "I know you are nervous, but I heard that if you don't have a script in front of you. It makes it more natural and more people will vote for you."

Elliot looked suspicious and murmured loudly, "really? Are you sure, Felix? Thank you! So should I just do it without the speech? But, I really like it!" 

Without noticing, Felix snatched Elliot's speech and replied, "But, I am helping you. I want people to vote for you to be Head Boy, even a lot more than me. I am still applying, but I want you to have a higher chance to get it." Felix smiled. 

Elliot still suspicious took Felix's idea and thanked him. 

"So," the principal Mr. Illingworth announced, "I would like to ask the first candidate, Felix Smith to do his Head Boy speech for you." 

The whole audience cheered and during the sounds of applauses, Felix confidently stepped forward and grabbed the mike off Mr. Illingworth. 

"Thank you, thank you, so much!!! You are too kind." Felix began. Felix then started saying his speech on how he wants to serve the school the best he can by joining many activities and charitable events, encouraging others to do that too. But, from behind, Elliot looked incredibly suspicious and he thought it was his speech and that was what he was going to say. 

Finally, Felix finished his speech and left the stage proudly, hearing the clapping sounds again. 

"Felix!" Elliot whispered loudly, "that was my original speech, on exactly on what I was going to say!" But, Felix ignored him completely, smiling on about how amazing he felt after that speech. 

Mr. Illingworth took the stage again and announced: "What an amazing speech, Felix. The other candidate we have is Elliot Richardson!" 

Elliot did not come on as he was nervous. 

"Elliot Richardson! Let's clap for him!!" Mr. Illingworth spoke louder again. 

Elliot walked slowly and nervously while the claps were going on. He just had to try and remember and think of something else to say, but it was too late. 

"Sir!" Elliot complained in anger, "I think Felix stole my speech! I was going to say that. I don't know what to say now." 

But, nobody believed and booed at him.

"I don't think he would do that." Mr. Illingworth answered. 

Elliot sighed and took some deep breaths and began, "my name is Elliot Richardson. I am here to talk about why I should be Head Boy. I am quite nervous to speak in front of all of you....but I would like to serve the school the best I can....." He then paused for a while. 

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