A Dedicated Artist

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Molly was very passionate about her artwork. She draws every day and ever since she was two or three, she wants to become an artist. Molly would sit outside and paint what she sees. Even when travelling, she would draw exactly everything and it looks absolutely realistic. 

One day, Molly's school was holding an Art Competition where they paint a picture of a flower for a Floral Festival. It made her very eager to paint and she really wants to win it. Once after hearing about the competition, Molly had some ideas on what she wants to paint. She looked at the internet as she thought to herself, it must not be too simple it has to be creative and fancy. The picture she wanted to paint was a group of different types of flowers in a vase. 

There was one problem about the picture, it was very hard for Molly to paint as there were many difficult shape patterns as well as ensuring that the shape has to be perfect. 

"That is not what it should be." Molly thought to herself. She got herself a new piece of paper to do it again. But, it did not look very nice the second time either. Nearly every day, Molly drew and painted but it looked wrong for her. 

"That looks horrible." Molly said in her mind, "I don't think I can do this right. " She was taking it very seriously and it was now nearly the deadline of the competition. 

"I guess I will have to come up with this simple flower plan." She thought. 

The next day, it was the deadline of the competition and it was now time to announce the winners, so that the artwork will be displayed in the Floral Festival. 

The winners were announced and Molly saw the first place winner. It was a senior girl called Roberta. Molly did not even come second. She was put on an honourable mention. 

"Hey you," a friend of Roberta's said approaching her, "you are put under honourable mention but your painting is so babyish. But, look how stylish Roberta's is." 

"Roberta is a better artist than you." Another friend of hers added, "your painting looks like if a six year old has done it. Roberta's one looks so mature and no wonder she came first." 

After the comments and teasing of Roberta's friends, Molly took down her artwork then burst in tears, running down to a private place. 

"Molly," a voice called. "Don't cry." 

"Who are you?" Molly questioned the voice. 

"I'm Roberta." Roberta answered, "I am the winner of the Art Competition. I saw your painting and it is so good." 

"No, it's not." Molly sobbed, "it looks really bad and like a six year old painting. Even your friends told me. I have been passionate about art since I was two or three years old. I want to be an artist and if I present something like this, it doesn't look like it. I guess I shouldn't be an artist anymore." 

"Oh Molly!" Roberta said, "your painting is an honourable mention. This means that although you weren't in any place the judges really liked it. My parents, grandparents, great grandparents and even my great-great grandparents were artists. I just came from a family that is into art which got me into it. I am sure you are older, you might win." 

Molly cried harder and harder then Roberta gave her a hug. 

"So why don't you put your work back in display?" Roberta smiled.

Molly beamed at her, "thank you so much Roberta!" 

"Even though you love art and have many passions for it, but you cannot like every single aspect of art. There has to be some parts you enjoy and not. Even my family did not like every single artistic thing." Roberta said. "Maybe I can give you some Art lessons."

"Yeah, I guess that will be nice." Molly said happily. 

Molly and Roberta got along and managed to share their art experiences with one another. 

Moral: Always follow your passion and not every part of it are always liked. 

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