Cousin Lina

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Melissa wasn't in a good mood. She was acting angrily all day. Her mum was cooking and her dad was reading the newspaper. Melissa thumped her book and  stomped heavily down the stairs to the living room. 

"Mum! Can I please go the Funfair?" Melissa asked again, "Please, please, please can you let me? All my friends are going, so I have to go. Otherwise, I will be the only one who's not going." 

"Well Darling, remember your cousin Lina is coming. It wouldn't be fun for her if she does not see you. So sorry but my answer is still a no." Mum replied. "You will have a great time with her and I'm sure she wants to see you." 

"But, I hate Lina! Lina always makes a mess in my room and she never tidies up after herself. She even spilled orange juice on my new top." Melissa shrieked. 

Melissa was still in a bad mood. She stomped back into her room and picked up her book and began to read it.  Halfway through the book, she heard a ringing sound that alarmed her. It was the doorbell! 

Melissa ran down stairs and opened the door, there was cousin Lina. Lina hugged Melissa as they didn't see each other for a long time. But, Melissa tried to avoid it.  

Melissa and Lina went up to play in Melissa's room. 

"Melissa, do you have anything fun we can play?" Lina questioned, as she saw some of Melissa's stuff toys she played when she was very young as well as her doctors' set. "We can play hospital; we could be doctors or nurses and use some of your stuff toys as our patients." 

"It's so babyish; you still want to play hospital?" Melissa declined immediately, "I wanna play outside!" 

"But, it's raining." Lina said showing her cousin the grey clouds and drops of water. Melissa finally remembered as she saw Lina with an umberella and boots. 

"Fine let's just have a chat." Melissa smiled. Lina slowly accepted chatting. 

"What should we chat about?" Lina questioned. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door in Melissa's room. She quickly opened the door, it was Dad with a tray of two glasses. 

"Hey Girls, I got two glasses of orange juice. Please take one." He smiled.

It reminded Melissa of when Lina spilled orange juice on her new top. When they were about to finish their orange juices they made silly sounds with their straws. So they began laughing and made more sounds. Melissa began to realize that Lina is a fun cousin. 

Moral: Before saying you don't like something or someone, just try it out. 

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