Kirsten's Puppy

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Kirsten loved puppies. Ever since she was five, she always wanted a pet puppy. However, she was not allowed to have one because her parents told her that she must look after the puppy and feed it every day. Kirsten was too young to have puppies. 

Kirsten was now in High School, she was waiting so patiently for a puppy. In high school, Kirsten was getting very good grades and helped her parents with home chores as she gets pocket money for every good deed she does. She finally had enough money to buy herself a puppy. 

She bought the puppy and named it 'Snowball' as its' fur was as white and soft as snow. Kirsten absolutely loved Snowball. It was her 'best friend'. Kirsten would take her out for a walk in the park and play with her every day. Kirsten gives Snowball a bath and feeds her. She looked after Snowball for three months. Then suddenly, things began to get hectic. 

In High school, Kirsten started to have lots of assignments and exams. She had so much homework and could not find time to watch Snowball. She was far too busy studying and revising. Kirsten wanted to get good grades so she chooses to study instead of being with Snowball. She suddenly felt that she was neglecting Snowball- she hasn't fed her for days and has not bathed her. They haven't even gone on walks together. 

"Oh no!" Kirsten said to herself, "Snowball looks so weak. I just don't have time to be with her." 

As days gone past, Snowball felt increasingly ill. Kirsten was so worried and felt very ashamed for neglecting Snowball. 

"This is all my fault, I'm sorry Snowball. I was very busy with schoolwork so I could not spend much time with you." Kirsten cried, "I better take you to the vet or you become more ill." 

Kirsten immediately took Snowball to the vet. 

"I don't think Snowball is well. I feel very bad that I neglected her. She hasn't eaten for days nor gone on walks and she hasn't been bathed." Kirsten said feeling downhearted. 

"Well, I think Snowball will need a vaccination. Her eyes aren't even opened." The vet replied. "There is no solution to make her feel better but this will be the only way." 

As soon as Snowball had a vaccination, she slept forever and was sent to heaven to rest in peace. Kirsten was left alone in tears streaming down her face. She felt so regretful on what she did and didn't want a puppy anymore. 

Moral: Never ask for things that you can't handle. 

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