chapter 77 - oblivious

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Ponyboy's totally gonna admire the sunset in this chapter because he's perfect so yeah

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Ponyboy's totally gonna admire the sunset in this chapter because he's perfect so yeah

~your p.o.v~

I had promised Dal that I wouldn't consider doing anything reckless. Not when I still had things to hold on for.

We had made our way back to the motel room and we were now lying in bed. He was holding me as if he was afraid I'd disappear at any moment.

I couldn't blame him. Him waking up to me holding a gun in my hands and freaking out must've made him real nervous.

I felt real bad. I never wanted him to wake up, I never wanted to worry him. He's already got enough going on as it is.

"Hey, Y/n?" Dallas mumbled against my neck.


"I... Nevermind. Goodnight." He yawned.

"Goodnight, Dallas."


~johnny's p.o.v~

We were all sitting in the car, joking around and laughing. I had occasionally joined in on the conversation, but my mind was elsewhere.

I had heard Y/n crying last night. I had secretly watched her slow movements as she wandered over to her suitcase, as she grabbed that gun with shaky hands. It was clear what she was considering. It was something that had crossed not only my mind, but even Dally's mind as well. Watching her in the dark holding that gun made me feel uneasy.

I had considered interfering, but Dallas beat me to it. He had watched in horror, knowing his girlfriend was considering something absolutely horrible.

I had secretly followed them outside. At the pool I kept my distance, blending in with the shadows as they shared their sad, sentimental moment under the stars. It was strange, seeing Dallas stare at the sky like that.

It was obvious Y/n's mind was elsewhere, it wasn't focused on the sky. She spent most of the conversation staring at Dallas with admiration while Dal's eyes stuck to the stars.

I felt a bit guilty listening in on the conversation, but I had followed them with good intentions. I just wanted to make sure they were safe.

The sun was setting outside the car and Ponyboy stared at it out his window. He had always loved his sunsets.

"Can we pull over?" Ponyboy asked. Y/n shrugged.

"Sure. You okay with that, Dal?" She asked Dallas, who was sitting in the passenger seat with his feet kicked up on the dashboard as he studied the map.

"Yeah, whatever's fine." He muttered, caught up in trying to figure out the directions.

We pulled over and Ponyboy got out of the car slowly, staring at the sky. Y/n hesitated and opened her car door, a smile growing on her face.

The windows were rolled down so I was able to hear her even when she stepped out of the car.

"Wow." She breathed, her eyes on the sky. Ponyboy had sat down on the hood of the car and Y/n sat herself down next to him, her gaze never breaking away from the sunset.

I got out of the car now, too. I leaned against the door of the car, standing a couple feet away from them.

"It's real pretty, the sky. Sometimes I forget about it all. The clouds and stuff." Y/n spoke mindlessly.

"How could you forget something like this?" Ponyboy asked.

"Problems got in the way of me appreciating the little things." She answered. Ponyboy glanced at her momentarily, his eyes quickly going back to the sunset.

"I think I'm opposite from you. Problems distract you and make it so you forget to stop and admire things like the sunset. I think when I have problems I turn to the sunset. Guess I think it'll solve my problems or somethin, looking at the sky."

"I sure wish it was that simple. Wouldn't that be nice, if one look at the sky could solve it all?" Y/n seemed to be asking herself the question.

"That'd sure be nice. The sky is a sight for sore eyes, though." Ponyboy pointed out.

"Little things like the sky might not be able to solve your problems, but it's definitely a distraction." I chimed in. Y/n smiled.

"You're right, Johnny. It is a nice distraction, ain't it?"

"I know what you grabbed out of your suitcase last night." I suddenly said, looking at Y/n. She tensed up.

"How'd you know?" She looked at me now.

"I saw it. Didn't say anything, but I know what was going through your head."

"What are you guys talking about?" Ponyboy asked, his eyes finally leaving the colors of the sunset.

"Dal saw me holding a gun last night. I was thinking about doing something real stupid, Ponyboy. Real stupid." Y/n clearly was unsure how to handle this conversation.

"You don't mean... Sui-"

"It ain't important." Y/n cut him off, crossing her arms.

"It is." Ponyboy protested. Y/n sighed.

"I just... Things get overwhelming." She stated.

We all stayed silent now, unsure of what to say. Finally, I decided to speak.

"I know how it is. Things get hard, but if it makes you feel any better you've got us. You're a part of this gang now, and we ain't gonna turn our backs on you when you're going through all this. We all care about you, I hope you know that. "

Before Y/n could respond we heard a car door open. Dallas walked to the side of the car we were all at and stood between Y/n and me, oblivious to the conversation we were having before. He lit a cigarette, looking at Y/n.

"I think I finally figured out the map. Took me a while, but I got it." He turned away from Y/n, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Alright, thanks. I couldn't really figure it out myself, it's good you could."

"Guess I'm a pro." Dal winked at Y/n and she smiled, looking back up at the sky.

We all looked back at the sky, but Dal's eyes stayed on Y/n. He looked like he was in love with her. I knew the type of person Dallas was, he didn't want to admit it. It was plain to see though. Y/n had Dal's attention. Y/n was Dally's girl. They were both deeply in love, but both of them were just under bad circumstances.

They were just hurt kids, and hopefully they could push through these rough times and properly admit the feelings they had towards each other.

For everyone else, it was clear that they loved each other. I guess relationships look different to the people inside them, because they both seemed oblivious. They couldn't seem to see the fact that the other person loved them.

The way Dallas looked at her in this moment said it all. Their relationship was a kind of blind love. It didn't matter what was going on around them, because in that moment, it just felt like it was them alone in the world.

They only had eyes for each other.

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