chapter 51 - innocent

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There's so many time skips in this I'm sorry

~your p.o.v~

The crash. Bob laid against the wheel, unconscious. Blood dripped from his head as he laid against the wheel, holding down the horn.

"Bob, wake up!"

The car is stained in blood. Blood is everywhere and Bob is there, lifeless.

The setting changes and suddenly he's laying on the pavement by the fountain, the blood still everywhere. The blood is covering me, soaking me. I was drowning in my brother's blood and my own tears.

"Wake up, I'm not playing games!"

Images of the note he wrote flashed through my mind. I'm sorry.

The words repeated and overlapped in my head. The voice of Bob got louder and louder, Bob just apologising. I couldn't take it. It was all too loud.

I shot up in bed, the voice immediately stopping. I was breathing unevenly and I took in my surroundings.

It was dark and I realized I was still at Dal's place. There was no longer the music of the bar downstairs. It was pitch black. It must've been the middle of the night.

Someone stirred next to me and I saw Dallas sleepily look up at me. The moonlight from outside hit his features and I swear he had never looked better.

"What happened?" His voice was gravelly and sleepy. I melted when I heard it.

He sat up against the headboard of the bed and stretched.

"Just a nightmare. I-I'm fine." I tried to sound like I was fine, but my shaky, jittery voice made it difficult.

Dal softly dragged his hand up my arm and grabbed it.

"Your tone of voice says otherwise." He yawned mid sentence.

He lazily kissed my lips and leaned back, a tired smirk on his face.

"You gonna be alright?"

"Seems like you're getting soft." I joked. Dallas bit his lip, still smirking.

"Don't flatter yourself. I ain't going soft for anyone."


Dallas ran his hand back down my arm and turned away, laying back down. Minutes later, his breathing was back to being slow and heavy. He fell asleep quickly.

I laid back down and fell asleep too. Somehow that little conversation put me at ease.


"Get your ass out of bed." I heard Dal's voice near me. I let out a sleepy groan, turning away from him.

"Shh, just a little bit longer..." I whispered, pulling the blanket closer to my body.

Dallas tore the blanket off of me and I gasped, curling into a ball.

"Dallas..." I whined, reaching blindly for the blanket, my eyes still closed.

"I took the blanket, so get up." He demanded.

I spread out across the bed, running a hand through my hair.

"Do you wanna see Ponyboy and Johnny or not?"

I shot up in bed. "I'm ready to go."


I ended up staying in the same clothes as yesterday. Dallas had just thrown on a grey hoodie and old jean jacket. It was cold out, so I couldn't blame him for wanting to layer his clothes.

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