chapter 23 - adrenaline rush

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okay can we take a sec to talk about how this has 1k reads?! thank you guys so much!!! this is pretty rad :')

~your p.o.v~

I looked at Robert, a feeling of uneasiness washing over me. I instinctively tugged Two-bit's jacket closer to my body, making sure not to break eye contact with Robert.

Robert's eyes flickered to the jacket around my shoulders and a mischievous grin made it's way onto his lips.

"Two-bit's jacket, huh? You guys dating or something?" Robert said as if he was unimpressed.

"No, we're not dating." I answered. Two-bit stayed close to me, but stayed silent. He seemed unsure about if he should interfere or not.

"Oh yeah, are you with that Dallas guy?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"Keep it that way. He'd cause you nothing but pain." Robert spoke. I gave him a look of confusion and slight annoyance.

"What's it to you anyway, huh? Since when did you care about who I have feelings for?" I crossed my arms, feeling quite irritated with his presence now.

"Look at you, being feisty and fighting back! Not only that, but you've got yourself a leather jacket, a whole greaser gang, and you're always on this side of the tracks! If I didn't know any better I'd say you're slowly becoming a greaser." Robert exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I bet you'd love that." I muttered. Robert gave me an amused look.

"What was that?"

"You heard me." I spoke lowly, my eyes burning into his.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He never broke eye contact with me.

"Maybe if I was a greaser we could actually be friends, maybe you would've liked me. Maybe you wouldn't have left me a fucking mess and feeling like I'd constantly be trapped in the shadow of my brother. I don't know, maybe I'm just being ridiculous." I began walking away with Two-bit when I heard Robert's footsteps following.

"Come on, don't be like that!" I froze. Robert grabbed my arm, causing my breath to hitch. Memories flooded back due to his actions.

I tried to yank my arm away but his grip was tight. I was surprised. I guess I thought everything would play out exactly like it did last time when we were in this situation, but I guess this one small detail would be different.

"Robert, let go." I demanded, trying not to raise my voice.

"No, I think you owe me an explanation. Why are you so worked up over this?" He pushed the topic.

"I don't want to talk about this right now." I muttered angrily, attempting to pull away from him again. He still didn't let go, in fact his grip had tightened.

"Jesus, Robert!" I winced, my hand and wrist practically going numb due to his iron grip. I  shoved him, causing his grip to loosen on my hand. Two-bit on the other hand had flipped out his blade, giving Robert a threatening look.

"Let her go." Two-bit spoke lowly. Robert and I were both a bit taken aback. I had never seen this side of Two-bit and from the shocked look and Robert's face, it seemed like he hadn't either.

Robert immediately dropped my wrist completely and I rubbed it, the feeling in my hand slowly coming back. Robert stared at Two-bit, a smirk spreading across his face.

"Well, never knew you had this side to you, Two-bit! Always saw you as just some hyper drunk." Robert taunted. Anger flashed in Two-bit's eyes. I turned my attention back to Robert and I watched as his hand slowly moved to his back pocket.

Without thinking, I swung my fist at Robert. I hit him square in the jaw and immediately grabbed Two-bit's wrist, taking off in the direction of the soc's side of town. Two-bit stumbled, but quickly matched my pace after a moment.

We ran all the way until we got there, not caring if Robert was following us or not. I didn't look back until we got to my side of town. Robert was nowhere to be seen.

Two-bit and I slowed to a stop, breathing heavily. I let go of his wrist, instead bringing my hands down to my knees and leaning over to catch my breath.

"You're one gutsy soc." He spoke breathlessly. I let out a weak chuckle and stood up straight, smoothing out my shirt.

"Guess I like the adrenaline rush." I smiled in his direction, both of us laughing softly.

"So back there when you were sayin' all that stuff... You and Robert have some history, huh?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah, you already knew that, though." I answered. He shook his head.

"No no no, I mean you guys had some past that was deeper and more dramatic than you made it out to be originally. What I saw back there wasn't you just chatting with an old pal." Two-bit pointed out. I put my hands up in defeat.

"Alright, alright. Back in middle school I caught feelings for him and he just didn't feel the same. Said it'd 'be too embarrassing to date a goodie two shoes soc like me.' Told me I was just known as Bob Sheldon's little sister, made me feel like I'd always just be in his shadow. And I guess I believed him. So I stopped going out and doing rebellious things, I stopped chasing after that adrenaline rush I got going out with him and the greasers. It was for the best I guess." I explained, staring down at my hand that fiddled with Two-bit's leather jacket sleeve.

"Nah, I don't think that was for the best at all." I looked up at Two-bit with slightly wide eyes.


"That adrenaline rush you get, that's just proof that you ain't a goodie two shoes at all." He looked at me, not breaking eye contact.

"I mean look at me, though! I dress preppy, I keep my grades up, I hang out with Cherry Valance and my brother is Bob Sheldon!" I exclaimed, waving my hands dramatically. Two-bit shook his head, chuckling.

"You're nothing like em."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't think you're a soc at all."

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