chapter 60 - things are different

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(sixty chapters what the fuck y'all I promise there's an ending in mind and i'm not dragging this out sksk)

~your p.o.v~

My eyes scanned across my new room, a grin breaking out on my face. I was sitting on my bed and I had just woken up from a brief nap. I had fallen asleep doing my homework. It had been difficult to keep up with, but even with the stresses of school I felt invincible. I was in a new household with new people that I loved.

The room was different from my previous one. It was small and a few cracks were on the walls, but it was cozy.

It was home.

I had been living with Two-bit's family for about a week now. His mom loved to have someone like me around, considering the fact that I helped around the house whenever I could. It was the least I could do since I was living with them now.

I absolutely adored Two-bit's little sister. I called her Blondie since she was blonde like her brother. I loved spending time with her and from the way she acted it seemed like she liked me too.

It was the cutest thing to see how Two-bit acted with his family. He was kind to his mother and was always entertaining his sister. He always tried to make sure his sister was okay and not suffering from boredom.

It was ironic, I felt more at home here than I'd ever felt at my old house.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when I heard a knock on my doorway. I turned around and saw Two-bit.

"Hey, I'm goin' to the Curtis house, you wanna come?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sure, give me one sec!" I exclaimed, rushing to my closet. Two-bit nodded, knocking a beat into the door momentarily before shutting the door to let me change into regular clothing.

I had gotten rid of a lot of my old clothes. I managed to sell some of them so I could give the money to Two-bit's mom in order to help her with the bills. I've been trying to help as much as I could lately. I felt like I owed it to her.

I had gotten rid of all of my nice dresses, formal clothing, heels, flats, or anything too expensive. That left me with some of my old button ups, jackets, jeans, and one beat up pair of converse.

I almost tripped as I pulled on a pair of jeans. I put on a regular black t-shirt and threw on the leather jacket Two-bit gave me. I brushed my hair quickly with the brush that was sitting on my night stand.

I opened the door and entered the bathroom, lazily kicking it shut with one foot. I did everything I needed to do to get ready like put on a small amount of perfume, deodorant, a little mascara, etc.

After I was done I walked out of the bathroom, ready to leave. I went into the living room where Two-bit was waiting for me.

"Took ya long enough!" He exclaimed dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

"Ha ha, you're lucky you didn't get stuck with a different teenage girl. Most girls take an hour and I took like ten minutes." I said, shoving my hands in my pockets.

We headed for the door and right before we shut it I called out "Bye, Ms. Matthews! Bye, Blondie!"

We began our way over to the Curtis house and I was excited to see everyone again. It was the first time I'd be seeing them since I'd moved in.


Two-bit slammed the door open dramatically when he entered the house.

"Hey, guys!" He exclaimed and I laughed. The gang all looked at us and their faces lit up.

My eyes immediate travelled to Dallas though. He stood across the room and his eyes were on me.

I made my way towards him, smirking.

"Hey, Dal." I leaned against the wall next to him, mirroring the way he was leaned there. He chuckled.

"Hey, babe." His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me next to him. I smiled to myself.

"When's the wedding?" Two-bit teased from across the room.

"Shut up!" Dallas and I answered at the same time. The gang laughed at the fact that we answered the same. I giggled too and looked up at Dallas. He was laughing too, also engaging in a conversation with someone else in the gang.

God, he was fucking perfect to me. Why couldn't I just be with him? What was holding me back from just saying "fuck it" and telling him I wanted to be his girl?

Absolutely nothing was stopping me.

The roles were gonna switch tonight. I was gonna ask him out because life is too short to wait around for a guy to ask me! I'm gonna do it myself!

I was beyond determined to tell him that I wanted him. Everything happening with my family really opened my eyes. I have problems, real problems in my life and being too nervous to ask out a boy is not even on the list. From now on I wanted to speak my mind and be honest.

I was going to start by asking Dallas out.

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