chapter 12 - better

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~your p.o.v~

Dallas, Two-bit, Thomas and I looked over to see who had approached the table. My eyes landed on Robert, who had his signature smirk on his face. 

"If it isn't Y/n Sheldon!" He made eye contact with me and I gave him an amused look.

"Robert Porter." I gave him a simple nod. 

"So, I see you've taken an interest in boys like good ol' Dallas over here, huh?" He patted Dallas's shoulder, who harshly shrugged his hand off. Robert's smirk only widened at this. Dallas sent him a threatening glare and I placed my head on my hand, watching the events unfold.

"Scram, Robert." Dallas growled. Robert only chuckled.

"Awe, am I making you uncomfortable? Thought you were tougher than that." Robert continued to taunt Dallas. I furrowed my eyebrows at Robert, not sure what he was trying to do. 

Dallas stood up from the booth, coming face to face with Robert. Dallas looked angry and Robert looked nonchalant. 

"What's a loner like you doing here anyway?" Dallas snapped. Robert shrugged.

"Just visiting an old friend, you got a problem with that?" Robert shot back. Dallas scoffed.

"Old friend, huh? From what she says, it sounds like you guys haven't talked in years. So maybe you should leave." Dallas's eyes were staring menacingly at Robert. Two-bit, Thomas and I were watching intently, quite intrigued by the events playing out before us. 

"I've known her longer than you and I still know her better than you. So maybe you should leave." Robert spoke coolly. Dallas gave him a self-assured look of disbelief.

"I'm allowed wherever I want." Dallas spat. 

I decided that I would break them up before something physical started. I knew they were both very dangerous and violent and the fact that they were rivals definitely didn't help the situation. 

"Alright, easy fellas." I chimed in, standing up and putting some distance between them. They still glared at each other over the top of my head, my hands on both of their chests as I lightly pushed them away from each other. 

"Whatever, you're not worth my time." Robert muttered. I was going to go back to sit down since it seemed the conflict had ended, but Robert grabbed my wrist and spun me back towards him, his other hand resting on my waist. 

"And I'm assuming I'll be seeing much more of you if you're hanging around greasers again." Robert spoke. I gave him a bashful smile.

"You bet." I mumbled. He smiled and let me go. He turned and head in the direction of the door. I watched him walk away for a moment, in a daze.

I was snapped out of my hazy moment by Dallas clearing his throat behind me. I turned back to Dallas who had sat back down with Thomas and Two-bit. Two-bit was giving me a sly smirk due to the way I had been looking at Robert and Thomas simply looked star-struck. 

I laughed awkwardly and slid back into the booth next to Dallas, who was looking at me expectantly.

"Robert, huh?" He asked simply, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it.

"You're not allowed to smoke in here." Thomas mumbled. Dallas leaned across the table and looked at Thomas, an annoyed look on his face.

"Does it look like I care?" Dallas growled. Thomas avoided eye contact and stared at his hands, uncomfortably twiddling his thumbs.

"N-no." Thomas stuttered nervously. Dallas leaned back into the seat and looked back to me. 

"I've already told you that Robert's and old friend of mine." I muttered, playing with the straw in my empty glass. Two-bit chuckled across from me. 

"From the way you were lookin' at him I'd say you think of him as a bit more than an old friend." Two-bit teased. I rolled my eyes.

"You got the wrong idea, Two-bit." I stated. Dallas chuckled in disbelief next to me.

"Then why'd you let him touch you like that?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows at Dallas. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"He grabbed you," He paused grabbing my waist with one of his hands and pulling me closer. "Kind of like this."

Dallas sent me a smirk and I bit my lip, avoiding eye contact with him.

"He didn't mean anything by it, why can't you mind your own business?" I snapped. He brought his cigarette up to his lips and took a drag, then blew the smoke in my face. I simply continued to glare at him, very used to being around smoking. 

"Because I know what kind of person Robert is, he's a bad kid." He answered. I scoffed, giving Dallas a look of disbelief. 

"Oh, like you're much better!" I exclaimed. His grip on my waist tightened slightly. 

"We're gonna be heading out." Two-bit spoke, gripping the collar of Thomas's shirt and pulling him out of the booth with him. The environment was getting tense and they could sense it. They made their way to the door.

"Doll, I'm much better than him." He spoke lowly, his eyes burning into mine. 

"Really? I'd like to see you prove it." I said harshly. 

"Prove it?" He scoffed. I leaned closer to his face.

"Yeah. I wanna know what exactly make you think you're so much better than him?" I said just above a whisper. He leaned closer to me, inches away from my face. He brought his hand up to my face and gently ran his thumb down my cheek. My face flushed and he gave me a lip-biting grin, his hand grazing down my arm. 

"Hotter touch, babe." 

I let out a shaky breath as his fingers brushed against mine. Every time his hand brushed against me it felt like my skin was on fire. 

"I should go." I said quietly. I stood up about to leave, but was stopped by his hand gripping mine. He stayed silent and loosened his grip on my hand, allowing me to be free. I left without another word, deciding I should just go home. 

I made my way home, the only thing on my mind being Dallas Winston. 

He sure knew how to drive a girl crazy.

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora