Everlasting Strife of the Dragon Warriors

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The Hakuryuu would always feel the pain in his heart, wanting to love her but being unable to forgive her for spilling the blood of their king.

"Mimi, you broke the path we took to protect our king and in turn you destroyed everything we ever held. The time we spent together, did it mean nothing?"

The Hakuryuu could only bring himself to hope that his dear Kuroryuu driving her sword through the heart of their king as nothing more than a hellish nightmare, that when he was to wake up he would have her right there by his side.

"Did our bonds mean so little that you would go so far as to shed the blood of our loved one?"

The pure loathing that Gu-En  felt towards her, he knew in his heart that he would give her a piece of his mind, take out the built up frustration and hurt that took over and embodied his very being. Even if he still cared for her deep down inside.

"You may have had some twisted vile reason to end the life of our king, but that gave you no right to fulfill the act of spilling his blood. I swear on my Dragon Claw ... I will avenge my king."

The small moments when she would bring Gu-En up from the depths of his dark need to prove himself, which often ended up in him getting hurt, she left it all behind. The agony and betrayal that she left would forever reside in his soul.

"Mimi, you have disgraced the name of Dragon Warrior and you will forever be a stain upon Hiryuu's name until your dying breath."


The Seiryuu will forever love the Kuroryuu with all his heart, however, the pain in his heart will always be there, for the betrayal that the Kuroryuu caused is a wound that not even the stretches of time could heal.

"Kimi, why? The bond we had ... why did you break it? ... TELL ME! Did we do something wrong? Something so terrible that it drove you to kill our king?"

Despite, the hatred and sorrow in the heart of the Seiryuu, he could not bring himself to wish harm upon his Kuroryuu. But he would make her pay even if he could not bring himself to harm her physically.

"Why? Why do I still want to love you? I can't stop even if I can no longer trust you ... something inside me still want to believe that you are still the same person that I knew and loved."

Abi, the only thing he wanted was for his loved one to return. He needed her. Without her, he felt a part of his heart missing, a permanent heaviness upon his shoulders, that no matter how hard he tried he could not forget how much he loved her. However, he will always distrust her and distance himself from the Kuroryuu.

"Please Kimi, come back to us. We need you. I need you ... I need your presence to console me, I need your words to comfort me, I need you to calm me with your warmth."

The hopelessness that Abi had felt was worse than a lifetime of torture, he felt that she was just out of his reach, just barely being able to touch her, feel her warmth, see her smile, hear her voice, have her arms around him, her hands stroking his head in a calming manner, but never quite being able to grasp her.

"But, you gone now. And there is nothing I can do to bring you back to me. Please, Kimi, come back."


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