The 6 Dragons: Hiryuu the Crimson Dragon King

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The Red Dragon, Hiryuu, took the form of a human in order to rule the country, but he started to fight against the humans. Since the hearts of humans grew evil, they all forgot about god and captured the Hiryuu because of their desire to obtain his power and authority. When all of this turned dull, the four dragons Blue, Green, White and Yellow, with the help of the Black Dragon, descended from the skies to save Hiryuu and destroy the humans, who have forgotten to cherish and heed the gods

However, Hiryuu rejected that and claimed that he is now human, and that he will never betray the humans because he loves them. The five dragons didn't want to lose Hiryuu because they loved him, therefore the dragons gave their blood to human warriors and gave them power in order to protect and never betray Hiryuu. Each human warrior possessed a unique power, one with sharp claws that could cut through anything, one with eyes to see far off into the distance, one with a strong body that could never get ill, one with legs that could jump high up the sky, and the final warrior said to have wings to carry the other Dragon Warriors to their destiny.

It wasn't long until Hiryuu went to sleep, being weary from the battling, therefore the five dragons' mission has ended. The five dragon warriors thought of their King, who no longer moved, and started to mourn, even though they don't know if it was the blood inside them that were mourning or if it's when they're grieving for losing someone special. At the end, the five dragon warriors knew that their power is beyond human so they left their tribes, parted their ways and disappeared, this is how the five tribes of Kouka Kingdom is formed.

However, the Black Dragon's whereabouts are unknown, although the Black Dragon is rumored to have been last see flying into the sky and is said to be living among the clouds, watching over her brothers from above. Time to time sending a Raven to assist them in their trying times of need, the Dragon Warrior in need will know that it was the Black Dragon who sent the Raven because of it's blood red eyes and it is believed that when the Raven is sent down it will "speak through the blood of the Dragon to guide them".

- The Ancient Scroll Of The Legend Of The Dragon Warriors


The rain, the tears of heaven, pound relentlessly against the palace walls as our king lies, weak in bed, unable to move. Not even the best herbalists, doctors or anyone of the kind could have known what had happened. Just yesterday he was telling us how happy he was that he had gotten to experience humanity with us, how happy he was to have memories of us. Just yesterday he saw the bickering of the other Dragon Warriors as nothing more than us bonding with one another. But now, he lies bedridden, unable to last much longer, so, as a final request he wanted to talk with each of us alone. And no matter how many times we told him that he was going to make it, deep down ... we knew ...

He wasn't going to last the night.

The other Dragon Warriors has already spent their time with him, I was the last one to see him upon his death bed. The other Dragon Warriors tear stained faces walked out of the room housing our king, and walked into their own quarters to mourn in their own ways. Zeno sorrowfully walked out and gestured for me to enter, wordlessly I nod and enter, bowing before my king. "You had called for me, my king?" I asked, my voice quiet and shaking slightly. He laughs weakly and smiles at me, gesturing for me to take a seat beside him. I sit upon my heels and turn to him, a small sad smile on my lips.

He sighs and says "The black dragon" he states "was not always known for its loyal ways" Confusion fills my features, a dash of apprehension clouds my face. "My king, I don't understand why you tell me this. I never have, nor will I ever, betray you." He sadly looks into my eyes the life slowly fading from his amethyst eyes "No matter how much we may want to, we cannot change the fate the heavens have designed for us." I growl lowly and slightly glare at him "Then I shall shatter the destiny the fates have designed for me and make my own from the pieces." I take his hand in my own and grasp it tightly.

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