The Wedding

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A young apricot colored male finds himself wondering into a certain room in his home throughout the day, a room that he deems his and Ik-Soo's sanctuary. A place where they could truly be at peace, even the oracle himself, had said that he found it easier to communicate with the gods in that room as it brought him peace and comfort. The young boy finds himself often seeking comfort in the almost hidden room more and more as the time passed, sulking about how he was slowly losing memories of when him and Karasu were younger, his sorrows plague his mind only fought off by the memories he does have of Karasu.

Late into the day when his chores were finished, Yoon found himself reminiscing in the rather quaint room, surrounded by all the items Ik-Soo and himself have of the two black haired and red eyed females. Ik-Soo could sometimes hear Yoon laugh about the silly stories that Kagemi had kept of the small family, all the happy memories that kept him going throughout the day even when he felt as though he was never going to be more than nothing. But, on more somber days, Ik-Soo found himself standing outside the door, his head hanging low as tears filled his amethyst eyes as Yoon cries his heart out gripping the small doll that Karasu had left behind, the only thing that he could hold while mourning with without causing it to be lost forever or damaged.

The doll was a small version of him, with his tan clothing and blue green sash, which Karasu kept with her that she said made her safe when he was not with her. Other times it was Yoon who found Ik-Soo shedding tears, though more often than not they were shed with a smile on his face as the gods told him of Karasu and reminded him that he was not forgotten by his daughter, nor that was he uncared for by his son, whose harsh words portrayed a different message than the one in his heart. On those rare days, Yoon would put aside his pride and embrace Ik-Soo as tightly as he could, allowing them to mourn together of the loss of their loved ones, and express their care for each other.

Though ever since Ik-Soo had informed Yoon that Karasu would be coming home, the young boy seemed to be in a better mood than usual. He would not scold Ik-Soo as much for tripping, he would on the rare occasion accompany Ik-Soo when he went to pray, though it was never for long as Yoon didn't feel good about leaving his home unattended for too long. But there was one thing that Yoon did that always managed to put a smile on Ik-Soo's face.

No matter how busy Yoon was with the chores, he always would find time in his day to go out to pick some lilacs, colored white, violet, blue, magenta and lilac, making a flower crown and putting it on, wearing it around the house with a small smile whenever he gently strokes it when he reminisces about the life he had before as well as a reminder of the weird young girl he met when he was younger who he learned to love. Ik-Soo felt that even though he way have lost the love of his life, the love of his life left him a gift that would slowly, overtime, teach him that it was okay to grieve and cry.

Even for hours on end where you felt nothing but the sea of emotions underneath the surface begin to boil over, even when you felt nothing as the emotions stilled, all it takes is one act that gently taps the surface of the water to have it spill over the edge. Kagemi may not have told Ik-Soo everything but that didn't really matter, he trusted his fiance. Oh was that not mentioned? Him and Kagemi were set to be wed, and even though he could not truly call himself her wife they didn't need that. They knew they wanted to be with each other for the rest of their days, so that's what they did. The ring on his finger was more a reminder of their love for each other and not so much as a constant reminder that he never got the chance to say his vows to her at an actual alter.

Ik-Soo smiles at the memory of the "wedding" he and Kagemi received from their children, it was completely Yoon and Karasu's idea for them to have a wedding in their home. The tears the two adults shared that day were the most joyous tears that ever spilled from their eyes, their love grew leaps and bounds as they stared into each others eyes. Karasu was wearing a spotless pristine white kimono it had a sash(obi?) with a black trim bordering the top of the fabric, the rest of the fabric was a soft red with gold colored stripes across it in pairs of two, the excess fabric was meticulously tied into a bow at the back thanks to the small and swift fingers of Karasu.

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