4. Known Secrets

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James turns around and stares at me in the most provocative way. I was so ready.
But, instead of leaning in for a kiss he sits his fine self right across from me. Obviously trying to keep a good distance away from me.
"Hey I'm sorry," he stutters. His voice is a good range and just deep enough to satisfy. He pushes his hands through his hair and continues, "Well, I could kind of tell by the way you looked you were uncomfortable." He looks up for a response and when I don't respond, he keeps going, "Anyway, don't mind your aunt she can be a bitch at first. No offense."
"None taken," I laugh at the fact he didn't even hesitate to call her out. "And yeah.. I'm not liking it too much here."
"Oh pshh, you realize your Aunt Kaylee is very sarcastic, right?" He questions.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"I mean, Cheney is a small town and there are no catholic schools or any all girl schools. There's one school. Well two.. An elementary school and a middle/high school," He claims.
"Oh, I feel stupid now." I reply. And I did, I should have known that there's no catholic school or an all girls school.
"It's fine." He smiles as he looks at me. He looks at me not through me like everyone else. It seems like he actually sees me. He uses his hand to move his jet black hair from his face again.
    "So are you that typical pretty girl that's not interested in nerds.. Or ya know." He half stutters, half laughs.
    I smile. He's really sweet. And for some odd reason my stomachs does cartwheels around him. My adrenaline starts pumping and I can't hold back around this guy.
"Yeah I'm into that," I say. I lean in to grab his face and kiss him. He reaches one hand around my waist and the other hand cups my face. I can tell he's trying to be gentle with me, but I didn't feel like being gentle.
I sit on top of his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. I deliver kisses all the way down his neck and back up to his lips. He then slips his wet tongue into my mouth. The whole feeling of being with him sent chills down my spine. He made me feel relaxed.
I put my hand next to his waist line and he twitches slightly. I use one of my hands trying to take off his shirt. He then, moves abruptly and takes my hand off of him.
"I can't, I'm sorry," he whispers. He gently pushes me off his lap and runs back downstairs.
What was that about?

-The Next Day-

I was getting ready for school, dreading it like any other day. Sometimes I just feel like I don't want to exist and that I'm not worth being here. Like I don't want to die exactly, just disappear until I'm back to my old self.
The drive to school took less than five minutes. I wasn't ready, but I had to go to school. Luckily, James and Sophia were at the entrance waiting. Right then, I noticed how much Sophia and James looked alike. Yes they were twins, but they were different genders so they weren't identical.
I hop out of the car and walk over to James and Sophia who are gleefully waving at me. They don't seem popular because it was just them while other groups of people had at least six kids.
Everybody stared as I joined them.
"Don't pay any attention to them, they're a waist of time," Sophia says. I look over at James who just nods. He looked afraid. Or like he was hiding something. Maybe both?
James and Sophia walk me to my locker, which was pretty big compared to my old school, which didn't have lockers at all.
Sophia then headed to her first period and James and I headed to ours. We sat right next to each other. He helped me a lot, he was smart as hell. It was hot. Like who knew having intellectual genes made you attractive?
After the bell rings James and I head separate directions. As I'm walking a tall male student blocks my path. He wore an evil grin on his face that made me sick.
"Hey, your that new girl that hangs out with lesbians, right?" He asks.
"What do you mean?" I question angrily. I've known this guy for five seconds and he already managed to get on my nerves.
"No need to get mad, lil mama." He laughs coldly. "Just wondering how you know Julia and Sophia." He pretends to look serious but actually wanted to tick me off.
"I don't know a Julia, just a Sophia." I comment. A little enraged and a little confused.
"Oh I forgot she.. I mean he goes by James now. Well.., I don't recommend hanging out with them. If you do you'll become the laughing stock of the school, right along with them. A pretty girl like you deserves more than that." He winks, then trudges off in a stance, while smiling like an idiot.
I walk to second period with my thoughts consuming me. What if that kid wasn't lying?
What if James used to be Julia. That would mean, he used to be a she.

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