Chapter 36

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In less than an hour, Darcey and Jordan were going up for a two day snow weekend in Flagstaff.

Jordan was scheduled to go back to work next week, and while Darcey needed to be careful with his money, Jordan would be able to start paying him back soon, and he'd managed to save up enough for a small weekend vacation. It had been his first winter without snow in a long time and it was already near the end of February, so time was running out, even up north in the mountains. Their plans had been rushed and last minute, but they were able to find a nice hotel that wasn't too expensive. The rooms were big and nicely decorated with king sized beds and fireplaces. Darcey was pleased with his find.

It was Friday morning and Jess had just brought in the mail after taking Ally and Lexi to school.

"You have a letter," she said. He looked up from his coffee and took the envelope as she continued to go through the rest of the mail. He choked on his coffee when he looked closer at it.

It was from the Army.

Puff rubbed up against his ankles and jumped into his lap, curling up on his knees as he opened the letter. He skimmed over it. Then he read it again, slowly, because it couldn't have said what he thought it was saying. It was impossible. Mrs. Petersen would have called, right?

His GI Bill and health insurance had been reinstated.

He could go to the Culinary Institute of America.

A disbelieving grin crossed his face. His hands shook as he stared at the letter in front of him, but then, just as suddenly, his smile dropped and a sharp stab of fear hit the back of his neck.

In New York.

He'd have to move away. Would Jordan move with him? Would he be willing to pack up his life and go running across the country for him? Darcey knew how much Jordan loved him and supported his career goals, but he didn't know the answer to that question.

He glanced over at his laptop, pushed to the side while he had his morning coffee. Puff was up against his chest, now, paws on his shirt, meowing softly. He looked down at her and gently petted the back of her neck. She butted against his wrist and licked his thumb. She could sense his anxiety and was trying to help.

"Is something wrong?"

Darcey looked up. Jess stood to his side, still sorting through the remaining mail. But she'd paused, watching him.

"My GI Bill and health insurance have been reinstated," he said softly.

Jess dropped the mail and her hands shot to her mouth. "Oh my goodness! Darcey! That's wonderful!"

"Yeah," he murmured, but it was distracted. He scooped Puff up in one arm and nuzzled her head near her ear, and with his other hand he pulled the laptop closer. He was getting ahead of himself. He didn't even know if he met the minimum requirements.

Maybe I shouldn't look, he told himself, even as he opened the web browser and googled the school's name. Maybe it was just better to keep moving. A lot had changed. Things were different. But if he didn't at least apply...

He might not even be accepted. Even if he were, he could turn it down. But he had to know if he had what it took or he'd never stop wondering.

He pulled up their website, skimmed over the front page, clicked on admissions.

As long as they'd accept his time cooking in the Army as real world experience, he did meet the minimum requirements. His eyes jumped over the start dates. One in April, one in June. He could apply.

So he did, page by page. It didn't take long.

Once he submitted everything, he sat back, his laptop still open, and stared at the screen for a few minutes. Puff meowed softly, and when he didn't respond, she stepped onto his keyboard and butted her head against his chest, rubbing her cheek against him. He absently started petting her, but he couldn't stop thinking, But now what do I tell Jordan?

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