Chapter 6

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Darcey had no idea what to expect now that he had gotten back to base. His footsteps were leaden and every muscle was coiled like a spring pushed all the way down. His nerves snapped, raw and sharp, every part of his body on edge, like he was waiting for an attack. He jumped when someone called his name as he was about to open his door. He looked over his shoulder. It was Doc. His face was twisted in sadness and regret. Darcey's stomach dropped.

"Doc, what –"

"Walker, I'm so sorry," Doc interrupted. His green eyes shone with something between sadness and anger. "As soon as they started talking about it, I did everything I could, I even called in favors to have friends pull rank, but nobody would listen. I'm so sorry. I tried. I really did."

With each word, Darcey's stomach clenched tighter, his breathing grew shallower, and his head started to spin. He tried to swallow, but his throat was too tight. He choked a little when he asked,

"What are you talking about?"

Doc's brow furrowed. "You didn't have your phone with you while you were gone? That's not like you."

"No, I did. It was with me the whole time. Doc, what happened?"

"They didn't even call you?" Doc said. He closed his eyes and swore quietly through his teeth. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck with one big hand, just at the nape of his short blond hair, then looked back up and met Darcey's hazel eyes.

"Walker, they know." His voice was quiet, apologetic. "About your boyfriend. Everyone knows. It got back to the BC and... you were a good soldier, Walker. You were one of the best. It's bullshit. It's fucking –"

Darcey interrupted his rambling with a sharp, "What do you mean I was?" The tightness in his stomach turned to a sharp, icy stab. His chest was about to cave in because he couldn't breathe.

He knew this would happen. He thought he'd been prepared.

It still hit like the butt of a gun to the back of his neck.

"They're getting rid of you," Doc said softly. "I did everything I could. I brought up that you're one of the only three in the platoon who even knows Arabic. I reminded them that you'll be a certified medic as soon as you take the exam. I reminded them about Campbell, about all the translating you've done for us. Campbell even put in a word for you but –"

"He what?" For a brief moment, Darcey was so surprised he couldn't remember what fear felt like.

"Yeah," Doc said. "He's a dick, but you saved his life, Walker. You don't forget something like that."

Darcey was still for another moment.

"They wouldn't listen to any of us. I'm so sorry."

Everything came rushing back and Darcey whispered a quiet 'fuck' underneath his breath. His fingers gripped the strap of his bag so tightly that they began to go numb. But there was only one thing he could do from here.

"Thanks, Doc," he murmured. He turned away, inhaled deeply, squared his shoulders and lifted his head. He let himself into the apartment, strode to the bedroom and dropped his bag on his bed, then turned back around. He didn't look back when he closed the door behind him. There was nothing left for him here and nothing to do but keep going.

When he arrived at the Lieutenant Colonel's office, he still waited his turn. He still followed protocol. He was still a soldier, at least for now, and he intended to act like one.

Darcey still saluted when he walked through the door. He followed command when the Colonel told him to stand at ease. It didn't shake him when he raised his voice.

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