~~~ Let the Games begin! ~~~

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The whole of Hogwarts was abuzz with excitement, you could practically see it hanging in the air! Harry,Ron,Hermione and Ginny had spent most of the day beside the lake, it was beautiful weather, and the foursome had decided not to waste this great day indoors. But, alas, the world keeps spinning and soon the light was beginning to fade. Harry and Ron raced up the long,winding staircases of Hogwarts, while Hermione and Ginny slowly followed them up to the comfort of the common room.

Harry,along with the rest of the students who were staying for the holidays, was extremly curious as to what might happen in the so called treasure hunt, which  was scheduled to start on the upcoming Friday, and for many of the students time was not going fast enough.

Friday finally rolled around, and the students were practically bursting with curiosity. Harry made his way toward the Great Hall, where the contest was going to begin. He strolled through the open door and slid into an empty seat beside Seamus. "What can I say?" Dumbledore asked the room in general,"Except Let the games begin!" Dumbledore grinned at the students and lifted his arms toward the, now dark ceiling, and a flurry of papers appeared at the end of each house table. The students sitting closest to them quickly scrambled to their feet and started handing the papers out to the correct students. Soon, Harry was holding a piece of yellowed parchment upon which his name was written in elaborate lettering. He unfolded the parchment to read his first task.

You must take 2 drops of veritaserum, then let your best friend ask you 5 questions.

Harry looked at Ron, Ron looked at Harry.

Ron lifted his paper so that Harry could see what was written on it.

Decorate the inside of the Room of Requirement  solely using the colours pink and purple.

Harry's eyes widened, this sure was going to be interesting.

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