Slytherin's are Trouble

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Harry and helped Ron complete his task, then they made their way down to the great hall for lunch, where Harry had quietly told Hermione his little secret, Hermione just gave him a knowing smile, and said "I'd guessed, The way you stared at Oliver Wood was more than admiration." She laughed. Harry turned beet red. He thought his crush on his quidditch captain had gone unnoticed, but apparently not.


As they walked across the entrance hall to the grounds, someone called Harry's name, or Harry's last name to be exact. "Potter!, Weasel, is it true you spent the morning decorating a room in pink and purple? Big Girls, the both of you." Harry instantly recognised Draco Malfoy's sexy drawl. What? Who said that? certainly not Harry. The trio turned and watched Malfoy saunter down the stairs he looked so... Regal. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a group of what he could tell by the navy scarves, were Ravenclaws. Among them was Ashlynn, their eyes met for a few seconds, and she shot him a knowing smile, something told him she knew who he had been talking about before. Harry pulled himself into what he hoped looked  like a confident pose, grapped Ron by the shoulder and spun him around, "ignore him" he hissed under his breath, and the three friends strode out into the sunshine.

Harry didn't even know why he liked Draco so much, Actually, he did. he wanted to find out what secrets where hidden beneath the pale blond hair and mysterious grey eyes, but most of all he wanted to know whatsecrets were hidden in the confines of the Slytherin's impossibly tight trousers. Ew! Harry Did NOT just think that! no matter what you say, He DIDN'T! But Harry could lie to himself..... Yeah... He did think that.

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Thanks to Ais_Rhodes for motivating me to write this!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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