Chapter Twenty-nine: Phoenix

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Soooo... huh... a chapter in which much about the rebellion is explained seems like a reasonable place to expect another back story, doesn't it? Say... one titled "Born in Ashes"?

Hmm... wonder who it could be about...

I certainly don't know...


I took Nemia's pistol without asking. I was sure if I had asked she would have said no, and she wouldn't have liked knowing I took it. But the same way she hadn't noticed I took Pitch down the city many nights, I assumed she wouldn't notice the pistol's disappearance either.

Besides, I liked the comforting weight of it on my belt-- and I had a good reason for taking it.

Tonight I was going to get expanations from the rebels, and I had no idea what to expect. So far, nothing in the city had really hurt me. Given me a bloody nose, yes, but I had never felt myself to be real danger. It was time I stopped assuming I never would. The rebels were dangerous, and I still didn't know what exactly it was they wanted. So I strapped the pistol onto my hip and opened the door for Kemp.

"Ready, Lady Thief?" He peered around the untidy fringes of his bangs with interest, eyes landing on my things scattered over the table.

"One moment." I picked my boot knives from the jumble and slipped them in as he padded inside and shut the door behind him. Twisting around his legs before he could close it fully came a lithe tabby cat that stalked across the floor and took up position on the window sill.

"What's that?" I asked sharply.

"Shu-shu," he said simply, seeming surprised by my sharp tone.

"Is he yours?"

"She doesn't belong to anyone." Kemp scrambled up next to the cat and stroked its forehead. "She belonged to some noble 'till he got tired of her and stopped letting her into his rooms. And her full name's Shushon," he added, as though it were a vitally important detail.

I shook my head. At least it wasn't currently a noble's pet. I didn't need any of them poking their noses into my business right now-- the nobles, that is. The cat was fine if it didn't bring any annoying humans around looking for it. "Alright, let's go."

We set off for the lower city with a silent cat marching behind us.


The sack of coins fell with a jangle and a thump onto the wooden table.

Nali's jaw dropped open. "You went without me? I said I would help!"

"I didn't need any help." Well, that wasn't quite true. Luca had given me the tip to try the Regenmace house, but I wasn't above taking all the credit.

"Quiet, Nali." Aiden pulled the bag open and dumped the money onto the table, his long-fingered hands quickly separating them into piles, his lips moving silently as he counted. The top of Kemp's head, and then his eyes, appeared as he climbed onto a chair to see what was happening.

"How much?" Beck hovered over his shoulder, eyes wide. When Aiden didn't reply, he stretched out a hand toward the mounds of dully shining gold. Aiden slapped him away and went on counting, ignoring Beck's disgruntled glare. "Well. I suppose you've more than earned an explanation." Straightening himself out, he gestured smoothly to the other rebels. "Rayna, take this pile to the Provost's office. You know where to leave it. Don't get caught. Dell, the match house. No reason not to pay Brimstole early if we can. On the way out drop some at the counter, they'll be expecting it. Beck--"

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