Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

"As spies," Charlotte adds on. Welp. Alexander shoots a quick look at me nervously. I keep my expression poker-faced. Now, how am I going to explain to the KING and QUEEN of the Winged that I don't want to do what they want?

"Oh, no," I reply, trying to keep it cool. "We're surely not qualified for this!" Charlotte lets out a laugh, and I notice that Isaac's expression softens. Aw, they really are in love.

"James, you're very sweet but I can see the intelligence in your eyes. You're holding back!" She urges. I frown. Am I holding back? I suppose I'm kind of smart...I did beat Thomas a few times at Maces and Talons. But does that even matter? This is about spy work for goodness sake.

"I don't know..." I shake my head. I really can't go back...

"James," Isaac says, "All we need is for you to help us win one battle, then we can relieve you of spy duties. Easy!" He smiles in an encouraging way. Okay, that's what they all say. Definitely not then. I keep quiet though. I'm afraid that I won't be able to speak for myself soon. They really believe in me. I'm not sure I can do this.

"Oh, um, Isaac and Charlotte, we both have some bad experiences with the other Humans," Alexander picks up. Thank god. "Especially James. So, is there any other way we can gain trust from these Winged?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Charlotte thankfully seems to understand, and so does Isaac.

"Well, let me think," Isaac muses. Charlotte rolls her eyes.

"Every male Winged, sometime between 15 and 25, has to serve in the army for two years," Charlotte interjects. "Perhaps you two could enroll in the Base 1732 army. It's not too far from Newtide, and Alexander already works for Washington so that will be quite easy," Isaac claps, clearly proud of his wife. Hey, that sounds way better! This way Alexander and I will still be able to gain people's trust without having to go back to the But...Thomas. He's still in Base 1776. Perhaps it would be better for me to serve in Base 1776 instead. Yeah, that would be much better.

I voice my idea to them but Isaac frowns. "James, I get that you won't be used to Base 1732, but it's the best place for you. The timetable is much tighter than that of Base 1776's, so there will be less suspicion that you're a Human spy," Isaac explains. Wait, Human spy? Charlotte gasps, nudges Isaac hard and glares at him.

"You weren't supposed to mention that!" She hisses. Alexander and I share a look. So that's why some Winged in Newtide are wary of us. They think we're spies working for the Humans.

"It's fine, Charlotte," Alexander answers. "We were bound to find out."

"Yeah," I add on. "It's actually better now that we know. Anyway, I still don't mind serving in Base 1776, so, I guess we'll just be on our way..."

"Hold on."

Suddenly, Washington steps out of the corner he was standing in, and peers at me with his sharp, wise eyes. I gulp. I never really thought about how scary Washington is.

"James, I feel like something is stopping you from doing this. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can adapt. This is a crucial request to make sure any more Humans who come to us in need of a home are safe and trusted, so please, whatever it is, you can tell us," He tells me pleadingly. Even with his tone, it still sounds demanding. Well, I guess it would seem weird if I had no reason, so...

"I uh," I hesitate. Charlotte leans in, and so does Isaac. "I have a boyfriend, and he lives in Base 1776," It was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. Suddenly, Charlotte bursts out laughing. Isaac joins in very quickly. "What?" I say, intrigued. "What is it?"

"With the amount of suspense you put into that, I was thinking it would be more serious," Charlotte snorts. I start to smile a bit.

"Yes! I was thinking that you murdered someone or something," Isaac laughs. I start to chuckle too. Alexander cracks a grin while Washington is trying not to laugh, probably for the sake of formality. Charlotte finally sighs contentedly and redirects her gaze at me.

"But anyway, that's totally fine James! I understand that you wouldn't want to be away from your boyfriend, so he can totally come here! Ah, but what base does he work in? Base 1776? And who is he again? I've forgotten," Charlotte explains. Whew!

"Ahm, Thomas Jefferson, I'm not sure whether he works in Base 1776, per se," I abruptly stop when Isaac lets out a cough.

"Your boyfriend is a Jefferson?" He says incredulously. I frown.

"Yeah? Is that a problem?" I ask, somewhat nervously.

"No, no, I've just never heard of a Jefferson to live outside of Newtide or Base 1732," Isaac reassures me.

We then discuss how Thomas is to join Base 1732. Washington tells us that he isn't actually a part of Base 1776, so the process was much easier. Alexander tried to get permission to have John here, but since he is in the middle of serving in Base 1776, he can't transfer. I left the house with a spring in my step. How flipping amazing! One, Alexander and I are going to be the first Humans to be properly integrated into Winged society, and two, THOMAS IS GOING TO BE THERE WITH ME! Well, not completely. We're going to be in different units in Base 1732, but hey, that's better than him staying all the way in Base 1776.


After a fun afternoon (Alex and I explored around Newtide) and a scrumptious dinner, I retreat back to our room. I glance at Thomas's letter to me, which is sitting on my bedside table. Time to write a reply. I grab a piece of paper and start writing, using the inn's supplies. Woah, this ink is so nice. Perhaps I should keep it...

I write to Thomas about the meetings with Charlotte and today's one with Isaac and Washington. Alright, now for his instructions.

Thomas, I really don't want to be away from you for two whole years. Please, enlist in the Base 1732 army so at least then we can hang out on weekends! It'll be fun! Come to Newtide as soon as you can. I can't wait to see you.

Sounds good! I sign it off and fold it. I'll send it off tomorrow. I yawn and out of the corner of my eye, I notice a piece of paper on Alexander's bedside table. Maybe it's a letter to John. I kind of want to read it...No, no, that's private stuff.

I walk over to read it. No no, not read. I'll just skim over it. Aw, how cute, he's promising John that he'll send a letter a day. Welp, better get to sleep now. I yawn again before blowing out all the candles and lying down.

I can't wait for Thomas to come here. It'll be the beginning of a whole new chapter of our lives together.

(1921 words)

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