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I don't know why Virgil gave me this, but it's interesting.

"Dear Diary," It read. So this is a diary-style book. Haven't read one of those in a while. Or, rather, ever.

"My thoughts keep wandering to Roman." Hey, that's my name!

I went through the first two entries rather quickly because they were pretty short, and, believe it or not, I actually like reading.

As the book went on, I realized that all of the names were exactly like ours, and they all had personalities similar to ours.

Roman was self-absorbed and loved Disney. He was also a sassy guy, just like me.

Patton was the fun-loving "dad" of the group, just like our Patton.

Logan was the brainiac and wise guy, just like our Logan.

And Virgil was my favorite character. His character's angsty and deep, and his mind was always racing. It seemed like life never slowed down for him. He couldn't catch up. He's been through so much, and he's built all these walls, only to have them torn down by Roman. The only thing I can relate from book Virgil to my Virgil is the angsty-ness, saltiness, and attitude. That's it. My love for the book character did not transfer to the real life person.

I got half-way through the book when I decided to take a break. I had pulled an all-nighter and was tired as heck, so I put a tissue as a bookmark and went to bed.

That night I had a weird dream. It started off in the living room, and we were making a video. Everything was normal, and suddenly Deceit popped up next to Patton. I started yelling at him. I don't remember many specific lines, but I do remember yelling, "GET OUT OF HERE, YOU ABUSIVE LITTLE BITCH!" And that confused me. We continued with the video and we solved Thomas's problem, with the normal little funny fights thrown in.

Then Virgil and I popped into my room. We saw Deceit there, and I yelled at him. Deceit tied me up with some yellow mist and proceeded to hurt Virgil in many ways that made me cry. Eventually Virgil was able to hurt Deceit enough so that my bonds broke off and I snuck up behind Deceit and hit the back of his head, yelling "SURPRISE, BITCH!"

My arms and legs were still sore from the tight bonds, but I had to save Virgil. I had to save him from this monstrosity that wanted to knock the daylights out of him.

Eventually, I stabbed Deceit in the back with my beautiful sword and yelled in triumph, right before I fell back into Virgil's arms and disintegrated on the spot.

That's when I woke up. My head throbbed and my mouth was parched. My tongue felt as dry as dust and my hands and arms had bruises all over them, as if the fight had actually happened. It sure did feel that way, but that was absurd. It was only a dream, not real life.

I went and got ready for the day. I went downstairs to eat. Like usual, Patton had made me breakfast already. I was starving.

"Thank you, Patton," I said, taking the plate from him.

"You're welcome, Roman. I noticed that you didn't come down to eat at all yesterday?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh, I was busy reading the book Virgil gave me. It's soooooo good!" I told him.

"Well I'm glad you like it. You know, Virgil wrote it himself. He pulled two all-nighters to get it done," He shrugged. I stood there for a moment, and then Virgil came downstairs. He halted before the last two steps, took one look at me, and immediately turned around to go back upstairs.

"Hey, Hot Topic, aren't you gonna eat something?" I snickered.

He faced me and leaned on the railing. "Aww, you think I'm hot," He smirked. I went red and turned around. Patton and Logan started laughing hysterically.

"It's been ages since I've heard that! I forgot how funny it is when Virgil-" he broke off in another fit of laughter, doubling over. Eventually, all of us were on the floor, holding our stomachs, wheezing.

I rolled over to try and get up and forgot that Virgil was next to me and rolled on top of him.

We stared at each other with wide eyes for a second.

"Are you gonna get off or stay gaping at me like an idiot?" He glared at me.

"Oh, right, sorry," I rolled off of him and got up, wiping my hands on my shirt. I held out my hand for Virgil to take so I could help him up. He took it when I pulled him up, he fell into me. I caught him, romantic dip style.

"Seems like you've fallen for me," I chuckled.

"Shut up," He said, wrapping his arms around my neck to pull himself up. Patton was still on the ground, gasping for air, Logan kneeling beside him.

"Are you alright, Patton?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm-" wheeze "-fine."

"Good. I'm gonna go finish my book. I can't put it down." Virgil went pale.

"Wait. You-you started it already?" He said in disbelief.

"Oh yea. Why?"

"No-no reason."

"Okay..." I went upstairs to continue the book.

"Chapter Thirteen~So Maybe I'm Not Okay," I snorted. These titles are so lighthearted compared to the story, it's funny.

I finished the book within the next four hours.

"Sound familiar?" Were the last words, and they had me wondering. For some reason, it did sound familiar. My dream had literally been in the book!

That's probably just a coincidence, though. It's absurd to think that any of this actually happened. There's no way anyone could endure what book Virgil did.

I heard a knock on my door and went to open it.

It was Virgil.

"Hey, Princey. I, uhh, was wondering... did you finish the book yet?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, in fact, I just finished it five minutes ago. The font looks handwritten and the writing is amazing. So much feeling that I thought that it was real life events in the beginning," I mused.

"That's because it is." And it all came rushing back.

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