The First Song: The Game Is On

Start from the beginning

I parted the doors, only to be blasted in the face with rose petals and pink everywhere. I saw dozens of girls in yellow staring at me with wide eyes, but I only saw a small amount of men gathered in the center of the room. I recognized my sister, and thanks to dad, I immediately recognized the boys that had gathered around a throne. Tamaki Suoh, known as the king of the host club, smiled charmingly my way and spoke, but I couldn't hear him over my headphones. On his left with an extremely tall and stoic teenager I recognized as Takashi Morinozuka, and the littlest blonde boy was a senior known affectionately as 'Honey-senpai'. The Hiitachin twins with auburn hair had their arms around each other; the left was obviously Hikaru and the right was Kaoru. Behind the throne was the 'mommy' of the group, Kyoya Ootori, with black hair and calculating eyes behind glasses. They continued to stare at me with 'loving' gazes as Tamaki continued to talk, going so far as to leave his throne and approach me. All eyes were on him, though most were looking at him with adoration, as he took one of my hands in his own. He stared at me, as if waiting for an answer, so I finally pulled my headphones off and gazed into his amethyst eyes. I spat out some rose petals that somehow made their way past my lips," ...Sorry, my music was on full blast. Can you repeat that?"

He seemed absolutely defeated by my lack of blushing.

Haruhi was quick to greet me, and I gave her a tight hug with a small smile," Hiya, Onii-chan!" Haruhi, catching onto the fact that I knew what was going on, smiled back and returned my hug," I didn't think  you'd be able to find your way, Harumi." I shrugged my shoulders, letting her go and tucking my hands into my pockets," You give good directions. Not like dad." She laughed a little before leading me to a sofa in front of a table that had all kinds of snacks and cakes," I hope you don't mind, but everyone wanted to give you a welcome party. I asked them to keep it small though." I snuggled into the sofa as she filled my plate with various pieces of sashimi and sushi," Thanks Onii-chan. I'm still tired from traveling home." Honey came over hugging a big pink stuffed rabbit as I began to eat," Do you want some cake, Umi-chan?" I blinked slowly in confusion, looking to his bright smile," I get a nickname already?" His eyes grew in size as he began to pout," Don't you like it?" Ah, he's a master of puppy dog eyes. "Umi-chan..." I tested the nickname out before smiling at him," I like it. Thanks... Honey-senpai, right?" He nodded twice with a grin, holding out his rabbit," And this is Usa-chan!" I reached out, taking one of Usa-chan's hands and giving it a few shakes," Nice to meet you, Usa-chan." Honey began to tug his tall cousin towards me, and I  noticed all of the girls staring at me as I got comfortable with my sister.

"That's Haruhi's sister? She's not really what I thought she'd be..."

"She's so weird; does she really think that that kind of look is okay here?" 

"How come she gets to eat with both Honey-senpai and Haruhi?! That's so not fair!"

"I get the feeling that she's used to working the streets... If you know what I mean."

I sighed, leaning against my sister's arm and staring at the girls, who instantly flinched and tried to avoid my gaze. I gave a lazy smirk before closing my eyes, savoring the expensive pieces of fish that the Host club bought just for me,' What a bunch of idiots...' I felt the back of the couch shift, and I looked up to find that Kaoru and Hikaru were leaning against the sofa, staring at me with curiosity. "So, you were a musician in Tokyo?" Hikaru asked, and Kaoru immediately followed up with his own question," What was it like?" I got up from my sister's shoulder as I hummed in thought," It was fun; a real go-go-go kind of pace. It's not like the band was a huge thing, but we were happy with having our audience in the city." Honey had made himself comfortable next to me on the sofa, not bothering to hide the fact that he was stealing many slices of cake as he did so," How come the band broke up? Did you guys fight or something?" I smiled lightly and shook my head," No, nothing like that. Life happened, and it was easier for us to just... put the band on hiatus." I saw that my sister was curious about what I was talking about; only Dad knows why I returned home. 

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