Season 1

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(A/N) So first thing, I like Henry, but I am pro, Regina. So this story will be on Regina's side, for many reasons. It does not mean I do not like Henry, I do.

This will be an OC story; the pairing is Regina/OC. Or Regina/Myrkur, he's the OC.

His name means something in another language that will be known later.

I am not stopping my other fanfic. And these season chapter's will be short.

(By the way, Regina was never with Graham here.)


The evil queen appeared in a swirl of purple magic, She started pacing around the grey floors raging at snow white and her wedding.

"I guess it didn't go too well, now did it, dearie." said a man laying on a bed.

He was wearing a black sleeveless v coat, pants, leather boots, and a black silk shirt. He had pale skin, dark black hair that seemed to suck in the light around him, and silver eyes that glowed slightly when caught in the light.

Regina glared daring him to say more. The man looked away muttering to himself.

"Well, it's not as if you are using my-" the man started before he was cut off by the door.

"Would you like something to drink?" Henry asked his daughter.

"Do I look like I need a drink?" she replied a slight glare on her face. She grabbed the cup and took a sip.

"And you Myrkur?" Henry asked the man on the bed.

"And what do you plan on doing?" questioned the now named Myrkur as he grabbed a glass of wine from Henry.

"The Dark Curse" she replied smirking evilly. Causing Myrkur to cackle wildly into the night.


Twenty-eight years later Myrkur opened his eyes, laying in a hospital bed.


"Your Henry's birth mother," Regina said. Her emotions were swirling. Not only was Henry missing for most of the day, only now found, but Myrkur had also disappeared from the hospital.

"Hi," Said Emma nervously.

"How would you like a glass of the best apple cider you have ever tasted?" Regina asked after a pause.


After her conversation with Ms. Swan, and Henry refusing to open his door. Regina just wanted to crawl into bed and worry about this tomorrow. Unfortunately, someone was still missing.

Picking up her phone she dialed a number.

"Graham, have you found him?"

"No Madam Mayor-" he started to reply.

"Well, you are going to keep searching until he is found" she ordered as she hung up her phone.

Sighing to herself Regina headed to her bedroom. Hopefully, she would be able to get some rest and stop thinking of Myrkur.

Opening her door, Regina froze as there, laying down on her bed, was Myrkur.

"Miss me, dearie," Myrkur said with a grin.

Still staring Regina closed the door behind her. Moving towards the bed, she touched his face.

"Your here," Regina said with a small smile.

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