The Treehouse

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     The person I see sitting at the door of the treehouse is not the same person I've been chasing around the past couple weeks. In fact I would never chase this girl around, mostly due to the fact that she is way out of my league. Now I really do believe that this is some prank to make me look stupid, cos I would never have a chance with her. Up above me is Alex, who is the second best cheerleader at our school; not to mention one of the most popular in school. I lay there wondering if I should just up and run, or take a chance and stay. Either way I may be totally humiliated.
     "Don't worry whatever you're thinking isn't going to happen. It's just me here;" she said. I realized I must have looked a bit stupid staring at her with a blank look on my face. I respond, "I'm sorry, I just thought I was going to be meeting someone else here. Was totally not expecting to meet you." "Oh you thought you were going to meet my sister; yea she was my little sidekick so you wouldn't know who it was;" she said. Yep this whole thing seems a bit sketchy, I think I'll run now.
     I get up to leave, but she calls after me. "I know it seems like a setup, I mean what would such a popular girl have to do with a guy like you? Yet that's your problem; you think of yourself as less than." That was enough to stop me in my tracks. Why would she say something like that? "You know, of course you would think of someone like me as less than. That's how you and all your friends see me, as if I'm lower than you. I already know I'm not good enough for yall, no need to remind me;" I shot back. Yet in a smooth, caring voice she says; "I don't see you as less than, you see yourself as less than which is why you think that's how everyone sees you."
     What she is saying makes some sense now, I have always thought like that. Alex invites me to come up to her treehouse, to which I consent. I make my way up the ladder as she stands there watching me climb. I see a glimmer in her eyes, kind of like a child who wakes up on Christmas morning to see all the presents. I get up and stand in the entrance of her little place, it's actually quite nice. A cozy little area with beanbags, shelves of books, and a little desk in the corner. On the desk I see pictures and notes scattered around. Which reminds me of the reason I'm here.
     "What was the reasoning behind all the clues and running around to meet you," I ask. I wanted to know what was her intent and why she didn't just tell me. "Well, if I would have just came out and told you then you would have never believed it. I had to give you a reason to take the time of day to hear me out." That makes sense, I would never have stopped to listen to what she had to say. I always thought she was stuck up and wanted nothing to do with my kind. Alex continues, "I'm not like the other popular kids though, if anything I'm a lot more like you. I just don't do titles." That makes me feel much better, I don't like titles and categories; it's good to know she thinks the same.
     Alex continues to tell me about herself. She was adopted when she was younger; her mother was a drug addict and her father was never in the picture. She struggled with depression, but always hid it under the makeup; as if no one could know the pretty girl had a dark part. It surprises me to see how much we have in common with each other. At least on the inside stuff we hide. She then proceeds to tell me about how she knows me. Apparently she has been my little stalker over the past 3 years. Always watching me from across the halls, she was the one who slipped me birthday cards in my locker. She was the one to notice everything about my life.
     She then proceeds to tell me about the original note I got in my locker. How she felt devastated after I slit my wrists. Sometimes we take time for granted; putting things off to the next day. Saying I will do it tomorrow, I will do it next time, I don't have to speak my mind yet. Reality is we never know when tomorrow is too late. None of us are promised our next breathe; anything can happen to change your life in a split second. It made me realize a thing or two about life. Never take advantage of time. Say I love you, Speak your mind, do what scares you, take the risk, live while you can. Don't put it off till tomorrow; tomorrow may never come.
     We sit there in her treehouse for a couple hours, just talking about life and sharing our stories. I never knew I could have this much in common with the popular girl. I lose track of time as I find myself falling for this angel sent straight from heaven. It's the most unlikely ones who make the most romantic love story. Then I remember something I should probably ask her. "Did you have anything to do with the demon following me around the past few weeks?" I ask innocently. A look of confusion crosses her face. "What demon?" she asks.
     I tell her about my little personal demon who has been following. About the experiences I had falling into the abyss, and about the things I felt while there. She still looked just as confused, if not deeply concerned for me after I told her these things. She asked if I had seen these things before I attempted, to which I responded that I did not. I then told her about the repeated phrase: "Don't fail." That scared her a bit, as she told me that it might be that someone wants me dead. I figured that would make sense, but who would want me dead more than I wanted to be dead myself?

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