'Go away, I don't want to see you or know you', Katie said. 'You thought you had a choice in this matter, that is cute. This was only my first attempt to get you to the dark Lord. Now I am forced to use magic against you', Mr. Holt said. 

He tried to do a spell but Katie was faster. She had already sent out her Patronus to the castle to get help and blocked his spell as fast as it came. 

Spells were fired at one another. Katie blocked spells and fired them as well. She was furious. How could this man possible think that she would go willingly towards Voldemort! 

After a few minutes of dueling, Dumbledore came rushing towards her with professor McGonagall. Dumbledore fired a spell that Mr. Holt blocked. He grinned. 

'This isn't the end of us, it's the beginning Katie', he whispered and he transformed into a raven and disappeared with a blue flash. 

Katie now noticed how tired she was from the dueling and fell down on her knees for a second to catch a breath. 'I'm so... pfff. Sorry I couldn't stop him, send him back to Azkaban', she said. 'Hey, you did really well you know that, dueling is much more difficult then people think', Dumbledore said with proudness in his voice. 

McGonagall helped her get back on her feet and supported her. 'I think you need to go to the Hospital wing, let madame Pomfrey check you, rest a bit. Only if you did that, you may go the Gryffindor common room', McGonagall said. Katie nodded. 

'Please let professor Flitwick know that I'm sorry to have missed his class', Katie said. 'Don't you worry about that now', Dumbledore said. He hugged Katie. 

'If it is more safe for me to explore my options in the ocean, I'll go. I don't want to risk more lives because of me. I already put Hogwarts at risk once. I won't let that happen again', Katie said. 

'Don't let that be the reason to go under water, it has to be your choice, your choice alone', Dumbledore said. 

'It is not your fault that Mr. Holt entered Hogwarts with force', McGonagall assured Katie. Katie ran into Severus who looked worried. 

'What happened?', Severus said. 'It is not your concern anymore Severus', Katie said. She was on the verge of bursting out in tears. Severus was the last person she wanted to ran into right now. 

'The fact that we broke up doesn't mean I don't care anymore, I still do', Severus said. 'Mr. Snape, why don't you take miss Dumbledore to the Hospital wing. The headmaster and I need to discuss something', McGonagall said. 

Katie grunted but didn't protest. Severus did as told. He put an arm around Katie. 'Now tell me, what happened?', he asked. 

'My father happened', Katie said. 'Huh', Severus said. 'I was out for... uh a run and he was there, at the edge of the forbidden forest, trying to convince me to come to the dark side', Katie said. 'Oh Katie, I'm so sorry', Severus said. 'We dueled, but lucky I send out my Patronus for help. When Dumbledore and McGonagall came he transformed into a big ass raven and disappeared', Katie said. 

'I'm so sorry that this happened to you', Severus said. They had arrived at the Hospital wing where madame Pomfrey came rushing towards her. 

Katie explained once more what happened to her and she was put into one of the Hospital wings beds. Severus stayed with her. 'Can you tell the others what happened', Katie asked. Severus sighted. 'I will, but first you rest', Severus said. 

Severus was about to leave but Katie stopped him by grabbing his hand. 'Thank you for today, I don't know what I did to deserve your kindness for today', Katie said. 'Your welcome, also I've been thinking a lot about our break up conversation these days, I just wanted to let you know that you are right', Severus said. 

'I have thought about it as well, a lot actually. You were right too Severus. I should have payed more attention, I just never thought that keeping up with the many relationships I have would be so difficult', Katie said. 

'I miss you', Katie said. 'I miss you too', Severus whispered back. There faces were inches away from each other. Severus could count every freckle on Katie's face. They were however interrupted before there was any action to be taken. 

Dumbledore and McGonagall came in. 'How is the patient', Dumbledore asked with a smile. 'Well taken care off', Katie said smiling. 

Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eyes and looked at the pair. 'You may go to the Slytherin common room Mr. Snape, we take it from here', McGonagall said. 

'You tell the others right', Katie said. 'I'll tell them', Severus said putting her mind at ease. 

When Severus left Dumbledore smiled at Katie. 'Looks like he still cares about you', Dumbledore said. 'Did you two did that on purpose, leaving me alone with Severus', Katie said eyeing Dumbledore and McGonagall. 'What makes you think that', Dumbledore said with an even bigger twinkle in his eyes. 

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