Home Sweet Home

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(A/N: Finally I'm posting the first chapter to this book! I hope that whoever starts reading my book enjoys it and has a fun time knowing more about my oc. There are already a lot of TUA books out there so I doubt this one will get as many views as those. I won't have a schedule to publish new chapters since I'll be doing so if I have time. But please leave me a comment if you liked the first chapter and please vote and comment for more. Now enjoy.)

The day was October the 1st, 1989.

43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. He got eight of them. They were adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, created the Umbrella Academy and prepared his children to save the world.


I rip the page from my diary and tore it to pieces and threw it on the messy floor to my bedroom. I tap my pencil a couple of times deep in my thoughts before writing the whole thing again starting from the very start.

Over the years, the family had many arguments and the Umbrella Academy disbanded. Currently there are seven surviving members.

I run my hands through my pale pink dyed hair and took a minute to relax my breathing. "I need a break." the psychiatrist said it would be easier for me if I could write in a diary about my life and from there on try to live out a normal one. Since the departure, we all went our separate ways and barely talk to one another. Okay. We don't talk to each other at all. The only person i've had a stable relationship is with Vanya Hargreeves. My sister.

She lives just a block away from where I live. I've helped her with all I can and even go to her violin rehearsals. We see each other daily and always try to be there for one another though it's hard for us both. She's on her meds, i'm on mine and with other shitty troubles. I sometimes wonder why I don't live at my old house, but then I remember that Diego and Luther live there and are the "men of the house". I miss that old place. I miss seeing Mom who I was close too with Pogo.

It was getting late for my work so I got in the shower, cleaned myself up and dried up my had once I finished and changed into my usual attire, which consisted of only black clothes. I put on my black raincoat and locked the door to my apartment. I stepped outside the building and got my umbrella out as soon as I felt the drops of rain on me.

I began walking down a couple of stores when all of the sudden, "Moments ago there has been a report of the death of the world's most eccentric billionaire." I stopped and focused my eyes on the television screen inside the shop. My eyes weren't deceiving me.

Breaking News: Sir Reginald Hargreeves is Dead.

"Holy shit." This is so sudden. I kept staring at the screen but no tears came out from me. I turned around and stepped closer to the street calling a taxi over. Screw work was all I could think of as I was sitting inside the car patiently waiting to get back home. I thanked the driver and stepped out of the car and took a moment to see the mansion

"Wayne mansion here I come."

Many of the mansion's memories started floating through my head, only the bad ones. I hugged my coat tighter to keep myself warm from this chilly weather and slowly made my way up the gates and entered my home. It took me a couple of seconds to realize I was back here, the place was as clean as always and every wall was decorated with portraits of us.

I looked at all of them as I walked in. There's all of us in the group including myself posing. One where everyone is also posing for the picture but i'm excluded from it. Another where Ben isn't on it anymore, and the other from Five. I still keep on wondering what happened to them.