Part 20 - Erick Wilrick

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A day later, Kate left the hidden hospice Richard owned in the Mojave Desert, in the same pod in which she'd travelled there. Her father had lived for twenty hours but for only four of these had he been conscious.

She had felt hopeful for those four hours after which she had been told, there was no hope.

The most important thing he wanted to leave with her was a key and a code for a double-sized bomb-proof storage type of unit located in a yard in Los Angeles where he had a laboratory of sorts and where he kept the files and footage of all the experiments he had done.

Surprisingly, he'd been able to talk normally with Kate, not minding that Richard was also there with him as well as Diana.

Joe wandered a little, wanting to explore and investigate the elaborate underground bunker and its many secrets.

Richard had encouraged Joe on this, saying that he might need Joe's help in certain activities that were centered there and only there.

Kate had her mind and attention upon the man she called, 'my father'. She wanted to do what was right, but there were also fears and feelings of intimidation lying within her that surfaced without her being able to stop them.

The most important question to Erick, was that she forgave him. When he asked her, "Kate, can you forgive me?" —she felt lost. She cared about him as a person, but she knew he had stolen not only her as a person, but her life; he had taken from her what normal people would have had and replaced it with something she had hated and abhorred.

Her friendship with Amma and Richard had brought something wonderful into her life changing everything. Right at the time, when Erick had deemed her 'grown enough' from what she called, 'the experiments' she had met them.

Erick had told her, "Soon, Kate, you'll be able to fly." She had laughed at this and believed it to be impossible.

His tired voice, filled with regret, resounded in her ears now, "Kate, I'm not your biological father. My name is Erick Wilrick. Call me Erick. I took you up when you were orphaned. Can you, do you forgive me?"

"I, yes, yes, I can forgive you, Erick. As a human, I forgive you but you need to ask God's forgiveness or you won't be truly forgiven. I can't forget the words you said, the things you've done but nor can I change the years you've taken from me... I have a question..."

"Ask it."

"If you were able to live your life all over again, Erick, would you do it the same way, again?"

"I would take those many previously unknown things I have learned and created from my time with you, Kate, and I would do it much better next time. It is of great value, and it will help mankind, Kate, but I see better ways, faster ways now, to do it. You've taught me so much and I can die with that. All of my research I leave to you and Richard and his enterprise."

He coughed and coughed. Diana helped him to sit and rubbed his back, not sure what to expect. He retched and coughed up blood.

Taking up the cup of water on the beside desk, she held it while he sipped from it.

"Leave me Kate. Leave and never think of me again." Looking at Richard who stood on the other side of the raised hospital bed, he said, "I must speak with you, Richard. It is of extreme importance. After that, I can be left to die in peace."

Feeling dismissed but not wanting to leave, Kate would have leaned over and kissed his forehead but he discerned this and said, harshly, "Leave me Kate, never think of me again. Forgiving me will help you get me out of your head and it is for you I ask it. When I'm gone it will be the time for you all to take what I have done and move on with it, to make of you what you want to make. Your quests I've heard, Richard, is to save those already born, mine have been to raise up stronger humans, to help them evolve. Beware of those who want my work to make weapons of it, human weapons. That has never been my goal." He coughed and Richard helped him sip from the cup again.

"Jerry... his name is Jerad Jenkins, watch him..." He closed his eyes, saying, "I want only Richard to remain. Please go, Kate. Forget me, you must forget me... I must speak with you, Richard."

Diana took Kate's hand and they left together.

Richard gave a head-movement to Doctor Foreman who had been standing out of sight from Erick. 

Alone with Erick, Richard waited. 

"Take Kate to Professor Marshall, whom you already know and with whom you have communicated, he has a deal for you; he wants Kate and will allow his son, Tyson to come back with you and share their technology..."

"How do you know this?" Richard asked. 

"He needs you... his daughter needs your Doctor Foreman to treat her. She is dangerously ill and must have your help..."

"Is it true that he has an island there, in the South Pacific Ocean upon which he has brought to life some previously extinct animals?"

"Yes, Richard."

Suffering a coughing fit, and bringing up more blood, Erick's head lolled to the side and his eyes closed. 


"I'm dying... there is something else... Richard..." 

Erick's voice was so soft and raspy that Richard had to lean forward to hear... 

But to understand seemed impossible to the younger man...

He listened as a shocking truth was revealed... it could not be true...

Richard shook his head.

Erick's voice was less than a whisper as he divulged more...

He finished with, "It's all... documented... in the container... at that address... forgive me... Richard... forgive me..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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