Harry Potter 2

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Y/N's P.O.V

Walking down Diagon Alley I could see Hermione, and Harry. Quickening my pace to catch up to them I eventually caught up to them.

"hey guys" I smiled.

"Y/N! how was your summer?" Hermione asked.

"great! how about yours?" we walked together down the street.

"mine was pretty good"

Heading into Flourish and Blotts we met up with Ron and his family. Watching as Gilderoy Lockhart walked out from behind a curtain he grabbed Harry and pulled him up front with him.

Once all the kaos had died down Mrs. Weasley took all of our books to get them signed and told us to wait outside. Heading back towards the door Shawn stepped down from the steps beside us.

"I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter! Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page" Shawn sneered.

"leave him alone!" Ginny stepped in front of Harry.

"oh look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend"

Looking around the shop I tired not to pay attention to the words being exchanged in front of me. Eventually I heard Lucius tell Mr. Weasley that he would see him at work.

"see you at school" Shawn spat and quickly followed his father but not before giving me a small smile.

Getting settled in our Defense against the dark arts class we waited for our new professor to show up.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... me! Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award- but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him. Huh, huh, huh... hee, hee... Now- be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind. You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might... provoke them!"

"Cornish Pixies?" I heard Seamus laugh.

That's when everything went south. The pixies has escaped and they were running a muck in the classroom. Watching as Shawn ducked under a table he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room with him.

"are you okay?" he asked once we were out.

"yes, thank-you" I dropped his hand and walked down the hallway.

After hearing what Harry and Ron had done to save Ginny and close the chamber of secrets I was more than happy that the school year was almost over.

I didn't know how much more would have to happen before the school was deemed unsafe for all of us to come back. I surely hoped it would never get to that point.

Shawn and me had been hanging out for the few days that the school was in fear. We were starting to hangout more outside of classes which I was thankful for.

We were suppose to meet up with his father but we stopped down the hallway when we heard Harry's voice.

"Mr. Malfoy! Mr. Malfoy! I have something of yours." Harry called down the hallway.

"Mine? I don't know what you're talking about." Mr. Malfoy said.

"Oh, I think you do, sir. I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron, that day at Diagon Alley."

"You do, do you? Why don't you prove it? Come, Dobby. Dobby!"

"Open it." Harry said to Dobby.


"Master has given Dobby a sock!" Dobby said with excitement.

"What? I didn't give." Mr. Malfoy said with confusion clear in his voice.

"Master has presented Dobby with clothes! Dobby is free!"

"You've lost me my servant!"

Watching Shawn shake his head he turned to me and sighed.

"I have to go Y/N my father is upset. I'll see you in the great hall later okay?"

"yeah of course"

"Could I have your attention, please?" Professor Mcgonagall stood up.

"Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified. Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled." Dumbledore said.

"Sorry I'm late! The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol. And I'd just like to say that aif it hadn't been for you, Harry, and Ron, and Hermione, o' course, I woulduh- I'd still be you-know-where, so I- I'd just like to say 'Thanks." Hagrid said as he walked into the great hall.

"Well, there's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry gave him a hug.

Everyone started cheering and applauding the fact that Hagrid was back. I looked over at Shawn and even saw him clapping a little bit.

Smiling to myself I was excited to see what next year would bring our way. No doubt in my mind it would be an adventure like no other.

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