Sexy mochi 👚

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"Well I've been watching her YouTube videos ever since she started so I've seen what she likes! Try being more confident! And wear beanies, she says they look good on you! You can also smirk now and then because she likes it when guys smirk because she says it's hot! Bud don't so it to often or else you'll seem cocky!" Hoseok says which makes everyone baffled "She expressed herself a lot in her videos" Hoseok shrugs.

Starlight's POV
Yeah...I think i should start calling yoongi oppa instead of hyung, but would he feel awkward? I hope not. "Her videos" I heard Hoseoks voice which made me shoot up "are you telling them about my YouTube channel?" I sigh walking over to the guys

Everyone falls silent and Jungkook seemed to avoid any eye contact with me. "Well whatever, how long till we land?" I ask Taehyung since he had asked the pilot yesterday " in about two hours" he smiles. "Already? I haven't even chosen my outfit! Hyung I need fashion advice" I say looking Taehyung dead in the eye.

I'll start calling them oppa slowly, I think calling them oppa all at once might be weird for them. "Shoot" he says happily, he and I do this often, Taehyung and I always ask each other for fashion advice. "Do you think a crop top would be a good idea is my first question?" I ask thinking of Wendy

She's always wanting to dress me up like Lucy from fairytail since I look like her. Lucy does where crop tops and skirts but my brothers and dad might be mad. Mom and Emma will just fangirl saying how pretty I am even though I look like shit.

"You own those?" Jin asked with a raised eyebrows "my little sister says I look like an anime character and she likes to dress me up like her sometimes. The anime girl where's crop tops alot so yeah I own some" I say shrugging.

"You look like an anime character?! I want to see!" Taehyung's cheers, he seems shocked but he always looks like a bunch of anime characters. "I don't think so but my little sister does,  here" I say handing him my phone that had a picture of Lucy on it.

The boys gather around to look and they just keep looking at me then the phone back and forth. "Yeah yeah yeah I get that I don't look like her but can you stop with the staring! Now I need fashion advice!" I pout "you do look like her!" Jimin says but I snatch my phone away from him

"No crop top. Your brothers will not be pleased to see you hanging around seven guys wearing crop tops." Yoongi rejects and I smile, of course you would know because you consider me your little sister! "You like to make an effort in your outfits so I recommend something oversized, it would be cute on you" Taehyung says patting my head.

"I have just the outfit!" I say dashing over to my suitcase and grabbing the clothes before running into the restroom. I changed my white bra to a black one since i have been wearing it for 5 days straight. The outfit I was wearing was white but it was thick so you couldn't see my black bra.

I wore a dress type of hoodie that was meant to me long and long sleeves to reach my knuckles. It was oversized but not in a sloppy way, I put some black shorts under because what if I were to trip. I changed my black underwear to white and I put white socks and white sneakers.

I brushed my hair down and I kept nervously running my hands through my hair. I looked in the mirror and sighed "why do you always look like crap" I hiss under my breath. I put on my earrings and walked out of the restroom to the guys who were picking out their clothes. "How does this look?" I ask

The guys look up from their clothes to me and just stare " guys stare a lot huh?'s that bad isn't it, I'll just go change then" I say turning around but someone grabs my arm. I look back to see Taehyung narrowing his eyes at me while gripping my arm. "It's 99% perfect" Taehyung says letting go of my arms so I can look straight a thing him.

"It's got the cute vibe but you need to also have that sexy vibe. Hyung says you were famous back in LA, so your gift to LA is that your back in a cute and sexy way!" Taehyung says as his eyes scan me over "how are we supposed to get the sexy side then?" I ask awkwardly since looking sexy sounds weird for me

"Run a hand through your hair and push your left side of your hair behind your ear" Taehyung instructs. I run my hand through my hair just like jimin does and then I tuck my left side of my hair behind my ear. Lips felt a bit chapped so I let my tongue slide across my lips making them a bit shiny.

(A/n) how you look is at the top!!!

"Why does army think I'm the mochi sexy one in the group?! Mochi sexy star!" Jimin says giggling with a hint of pink on his cheeks, I know it's awkward to call your friend sexy. Don't worry jimin, it feels weird when I refer you and the rest of the boys as sexy so you're not alone.

(A/n) for those of you who don't know mochi sexy is girl/guy who is cute and sexy at the same time!

"So I look cute and sexy....impossible, you're just saying that to make me feel better" I say rolling my eyes at the guys. "Who's opinion do you need to believe us? Do you want us to post this?" Namjoon asked going to his Twitter "let's get the two youngest together for the photo!" Hoseok perks up and shoves jungkook next to me

Jungkook was stiff and didn't even look at me, he's acting like when I first met him as the 8th member who's a girl. "Why are you acting shy, hyung?" I ask looking up at him and at my words he flinches and he seemed to get mad when I said he was shy.

"What are you talking about? I'm not being shy, now let's take the picture!" Jungkook says and the next thing I knew he had wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I looked up at him in shock and he looked down at me, he seemed amused by my expression that he smirked.

(A/n) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!! Love you all bye!!!!!

(A/n) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!! Love you all bye!!!!!

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