C H A P T E R 1

501 23 25

Warning: contains light smut!


Your heels click through the hallways of the Blood Crown's headquarter. It was in a house in the middle of Incheon city. Everyone knew you were in there but as well as people knew your location they also knew there is nothing but sure death if they fucked around with you and your group. It wasn't a mansion, but the five floors were the perfect size for your team. The ground floor was a public bar and the upper ones for business.

The Blood Crown started off as a street gang but with the rise of power, you can almost call yourself a mafia by now. The way Incheon was situated came in very handy for you. It was close to Seoul and at the sea. Deal's with China and broader Asia were very easy to handle. And last but not least the airport was there, too. Most of your business was done in Seoul but you were less vulnerable here in Incheon. With your influence rising you also had houses in Busan, Gwangju and a small office in Seoul making your work faster and more effective. The Blood Crown was in the making of a Hong Kong and London section, too.

You turn to the left into another hallway that was dimly lighted and see Jungkook stepping out of a room whistling at you.

"Damn, Y/N! Have I ever told you how hot you look in that dress?" he says while letting his thumb slide over his red swollen lips.

A girl comes out of the same room as him, giggling and waving goodbye while batting her eyes. She was walking a little wobbly, but you were sure it was not because of the high heels she was wearing.

"Yes, Jungkook, you compliment me every time I wear it" you roll your eyes.

"And I always will" he winks.

"Yeah, uhu. Zip your pants first, Kookie" you point to his undone zipper with a little chuckle.

"Can't, have to wait for my friend to calm down a little. The jeans are tight you know?" he sticks his tongue out shortly.

"Eww! Jungkook, do you know what TMI means?!"

He suddenly steps closer laying a hand on your hip, "Hmm, 'Touch Me Immediately' maybe?"

He presses himself against your tiny body with a seductive look down to you. The still slightly prominent bulge pressed against your belly. You and Jungkook have had that weird relation for three years now. You were neither a couple nor friends. Well, maybe friends. But your friendship consisted of him flirting with you and you denying him. It was like a game you both enjoyed playing.

Sometimes you had a hard time rejecting him, though. He was astonishingly handsome with his tattoos and his muscles. His facial features were drop-dead gorgeous and you sometimes imagined yourself licking that knife sharp jawline of his.

He was also able to be a very good friend but only if he was in the mood to be serious. Talking with him was very comforting for you but you never wanted to give your body to him the way he desired it. The fact that all those different women already had him inside of them turned you off. He wasn't always like that, though. A couple of years ago he was much gentler and, I don't know, human, I guess?

You push him away to his surprise, "Whoa, you got a lot stronger. Did you train, babe?"

"You're disgusting, JK" you shake your head with a smile.

"Thank you! I practiced hard" he says in a comically arrogant voice while finally zipping his black pants that perfectly showed off his defined thighs.

You would lie if you said you never thought about riding them, but sex was not what you were seeking. Or love. Or men. Your job was to kill them. Exactly like you did with Ricky tonight. Men were only a job for you.

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