24. Patience (2)

626 32 44

A year later

Nari's POV

"I love you, Jungkook." I smile up at him as his arms tighten around my small frame.

"Love you more, Nari." He replies with a bunny smile. We sink down further into tue comfortable cushions and sheets of our sofa in our very own apartment.

"And love you most."

We live together now and its my last year in Malgeun High as a student and senior. Jungkook has started his first year as a student in the College of Arts and he's always been top on the list. He's been doing well.

A year passed so quick, it almost feels like I had just met Jungkook yesterday. I had confessed my love for him during his birthday...a special gift I suppose.

"Kook, I need to tell you something important."

"Hm? What is it?" curiosity twinkles in his chocolate orbs.

I hesitate.

"Uh, nevermind. I forgot." I act out.

I can tell him later.

He then starts to chuckle like a child, another little characteristic I love about him.

I laugh with him.

His giggles are contagious for sure.

"Waiting for you through last year was worth it." He leaves a small peck on my nose.

"Kookie, since when have I not been worth it?" I joke around with some sass. He starts to laugh hysterically at my chosen actions.

"True though." He says before attacking my weak tickle spots with his large hands and long fingers and this makes me jump up from my seat and swish around like a fish out of the water.

"Kook! Stop!" I ramble out words in order to stop him but my words mix in with my loud, quirky giggles.

Then the bell dings.

Jungkook's hands immediately stop to a halt and my laughs fade away to a dead end.

"Could it be?" Jungkook questioned, eyes hopeful and curious.

"I mean...its been 5 months already, hasn't it? We've been expecting him for quite a while so, it should be?"

"I call dibs on not opening the door!" He suddenly shouts like a 3 year old once again.

I sigh before getting off of my boyfriend and slowly walk up to the door with a slight frown on my face.

Im sure it isn't him. It always never is.

My fingers curl around the door handle.

A shake a little.

I get nervous.

I open the door.

I was right.

"Jimin-ssi?" I whisper out.

"Nari, you okay? You look a bit..." he trails off.

"So it isn't." I can hear Jungkook from behind murmur and my frown sinks in deeper.

"Well, come in."

"Cheer up, potato." Yoongi's voice rings in my head as he ruffles my hair.

Thats what Yoongi would've said and done if he saw me upset.

I look back up at Jimin.

Except I dont see him anymore, I see my dearly-missed brother Min Yoongi.

My eyes widen, now brighter than before as a pout paints its way to my lips.

I break out.

"I've missed you!" I push through a confused Jimin and cling on to my only brother as tight as I can muster and I let out a whimper.

"How've you been, you potato? You're-you're hugging a bit too tight."

"It is you!" I press my face into his chest, wetting his black shirt with my salty tears.

"I feel like a third-wheeler but you guys are siblings so, how even?"Jimin whispers to himself and I slightly laugh.

"So how was the US?" I question the now raven-headed person in front of me.

"It was fine I guess. Getting through the recommendations because of how I make my music was something I didnt expect really." he scratches the back of his head. "I'm always tired though. Having to stay up for long nights to write lyrics and produce music is tiring...kinda pushes me on edge." He smiles at me "But living without my clingy sis is even harder."

"Ah hyung, since when have you been cheesy?" Jungkook who has an arm hanging off my shoulders makes a small remark. I nudge him with my elbow and slightly groans from the sudden hit to the ribs.

Yoongi smiles it off "Well I've got to unpack. Gotta get comfortable you know?"

I can tell what you're doing, Mr. Min. That smug expression on your face says it all.

"Uh, Nari? Kook? Have fun." He gives a small chuckle.

What a dude.

"Nari," Jungkook chimes as his arm that used to be around my shoulders are now slid down to my hip. "Do you remember now? It's somehow been on my mind."

My face scrunches "Which one?"

"The so-called important info that you forgot earlier."

Guess I should tell him. Its now or never, do or die, win or lose.

"Kook, I got a scholarship." I suddenly feel down.

His face brightens up like a light bulb "Oh? Really? Congrats!" He hugs me tight and warm.

I sure will miss him.

"But its held in England. I have a month left." I continue with a soft voice.

Then that's when his face falls like a crumbling castle breaking off as it falls into the ocean.

Author's note

OMG HAII. I MISSED CHUUUU JSJSJS I THINK IM HIGH (LMAO SORRY TO FUTURE WRITER ME). I finally finished a chapter with my lazy arse, ugh feels goood. Sad though, it's about to end soon =/ imma miss writing this story. Hope you liked the chapter <3

Its been long and im frEEeee at last. ÙwÚ Jungkook can kick me with his foot and I'll even thank him.

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