Chapter Two - Mystery Author

Start from the beginning

Azalea stood up again to retrieve her book. When she sat back down again, she was so engrossed that she was a lot less bothered by whatever Taylor was doing to her hair.

As she flipped the page, she noticed that this page had been handwritten as well. She frowned and flipped through the remaining pages, realizing that most of them were also handwritten. She flipped back to the page she had been on and read the neatly scrawled words on the bottom.


If I could give you anything, your Majesty, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes.


Above the words was another hand-drawn picture in black and white, of a young girl watching the regal queen in admiration while she glanced at the mirror in worry. Azalea felt a warmth overtake her heart as she stroked the picture.

"Okay, done!" Azalea snapped out of her thoughts to see a beaming Taylor in the mirror. Her eyes fell to herself. Loose, blonde ringlets cascaded gracefully down her shoulders to frame her face.

"It''s perfect, Tay. Thank you." Azalea smiled as Taylor squealed in delight.

"Oh, it's almost six! Let's go!"

Azalea let herself be dragged out of the room, barely being able to grab her phone in the process. They walked to the bar conveniently located across the street from the dorm buildings.

As they entered, multiple girls immediately rushed over to greet Taylor. The bar was dark, loud, and the majority of people were already drunk and grinding on one another. Azalea sighed, regretting agreeing to come already. "We're going over to get a drink. Want anything, Aza?" Taylor asked cheerfully as she slung her arm around one of her friends from her cheer group.

The other girls watched her curiously. Azalea blushed and shook her head no. "I'm fine, go have fun, Tay." Taylor's face fell a little as Azalea walked off but her grin quickly returned as the girls dragged her off to the bar counter.

Azalea pulled out her phone and found a corner to blend into. Awhile later, she felt a light tap on her back. She turned to look behind her. A guy with messy, blonde hair and a goofy grin stood behind her. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing hiding in a corner?"

"I'm not interested." Azalea deadpanned.

"A challenge?" The boy grinned and grabbed her arm. "I like."

"Let go before I punch you."

He released her. "Relax, I was joking. I saw your roommate getting pretty drunk over there. Think some guy, Adrian, is trying to take her to his-"

Without letting him finish his sentence, Azalea pushed past him and ran in the direction that he had indicated. "Where?!"

"They must've gone outside..."

Azalea rushed out the bar and was immediately faced with Adrian and his crew, but Taylor was nowhere in sight. "What did you do to Taylor?!"

Adrian laughed. "Nice acting, Xavier."

Azalea's jaw dropped as the guy behind her smiled. "It was easy. She's crazy gullible."

"Don't make me hit you again." Azalea seethed.

Adrian grabbed her arm and slammed her into the wall of the building. "You're not really in any position to be uttering threats, are you?"

"I did some research on you." He hissed into her ear, making her shiver in disgust. "So, your father that works with the police. Is he your step-father who never has time for you or your father that walked out when you were a kid, huh?"

Azalea clenched her fists. "Shut up."

"Even your own mother doesn't care. You know that roommate of yours thinks you're lame too. She just pities the loner that always has her head in some sort of fantasy w-"

Azalea twisted and forced Adrian to the ground. "Don't you dare speak like you know me. And don't talk about my family!" She kicked him in the stomach before bolting between the others and racing across the street. She heard cars honking in protest but she did not stop running until she had arrived back at her dorm.

She slammed the door behind her and immediately burst into tears. Adrian's words had hit a nerve. She was sick and tired of being around people who treated her like a burden. She continued to sob as she picked up the book that she had place on her bed before leaving. As far back as she could recall, she had always felt out of place, but couldn't explain it. She felt like something was missing, but couldn't identify what. "I just want to belong." She whispered sadly as she opened the book, having calmed down.

She flipped through the book mindlessly until she saw a note sticking out between two pages. The elegant script on the note was different from the writing on the pages.


My little Angel,

When we first met, I was lost and confused, but you found me and held onto me so tight to ensure that I would not lose myself again. Now I will do the same. No matter where you are, I will find you, and bring you home to me.


Azalea gasped at the sudden flood of energy she felt in her chest. Before she could react, a bright flash overtook the room and everything went black.


Hi everyone,

So sorry for the late update. I've been sick for two weeks.

Also, I don't usually like using famous people in my stories but I couldn't find anyone closer to the image of Taylor in my head than Selena Gomez.


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