Chapter Two - Mystery Author

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Azalea glanced at the clock and noticed that it was half past five in the evening. She had intended to go to the library right after lunch to return the book but curiosity got the best of her. Once she opened the book, it was hours before she put it down again. She repeatedly ran her fingers over the rune designs on the borders of the pages, wondering what they meant.

Finally, she decided to go to the library and ask Ms. Rosen to check it out for her. She closed the book with an unwillingness and proceeded to walk to the library. When she arrived, Ms. Rosen was on a stepladder stocking books.

"Ms. Rosen?" The blonde spoke quietly, being careful not to scare the elderly woman.

"Azalea! Back so soon?"

"I actually came because I found this book on my desk, but neither Taylor nor I recognized it. We thought it might be the library's. Would you mind checking it out for me?"

"Of course, dear! I actually have the book you were reading last night too. Strangest thing, but it wasn't in our catalogue. Would you like to keep it?"

Azalea smiled. "Sure. Who could say no to free books?"

Ms. Rosen chuckled. "Indeed. Well let me just grab it for you." She descended the ladder and walked over to the front counter and retrieved the book from the shelf under the counter. Azalea took it from her and handed her the book in her arms, feeling an odd sensation of loss.

Ms. Rosen scanned the book and frowned. "It appears that it's not one of our books..."

"But then how..."

"Perhaps it belongs to Ms. White, but she forgot about it?" Ms. Rosen offered.

That could make sense, as Taylor never read. Maybe she received it as a present or something and never bothered to open it. "Thank you, Ms. Rosen." The girl smiled. "I'll just head back to my dorm then." The elderly librarian bid goodbye to Azalea.

After Azalea had returned to her dorm, she decided to keep the book as Taylor obviously did not miss it.

"Aza?" Taylor stuck her head out of the bathroom door. "Wanna head down to the cafe with me?"



The next morning, Azalea found that she still could not push the books out of her mind. In exasperation, she gave her sister, Isabelle, a call. "Zali?"

"I got to tell you something." She confessed. "It'll probably sound ridiculous..."

"I've known you for almost two decades." The older girl dismissed. "Go on, Zali."

Azalea began to explain the situation and her sister listened silently. After she was finished, she heard a sigh from the other line. "Zali, you have got to get out more. But on another note, sometimes things meant for us will turn up in the most unexpected places."

"You think the book is meant for me? What does that even mean?"

"Okay, maybe that wasn't the best choice of wording, but Zali, don't worry about it. Like you said, it could be one of Taylor's books." Azalea heard chuckling from the other line.

"Isabelle, who are you with?"

"Oh um-nobody-hey!"

"Hey, it's nobody speaking." A male voice said in amusement.

"Give that back, James! That's my sister, you idiot!"

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