Toko x Hanahaki Diseased!Reader

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(let's pretend toko can stand blood in this one bc idgaf)

It's pretty rare to form a relationship around a disease.

Weirdly, that's the way you met your girlfriend.

You had walked into class one day, as usual, slipping into the seat next to your friend Toko Fukawa who was also your crush at that moment.

You were pretty good friends, you worked well together and went to each other's houses sometimes, but she never would have suspected that you had a crush on her.

She was so nice to you when you first met, although a little shy and abrasive. But it's good that you didn't mind that because she was still an awesome friend, in your opinion.

"H-Hey, (Y-Y/N)?" Toko stuttered, looking over at you nervously. "W-What was the h-homework?"

"Huh... I thought you out of all people would've done it last night," you chuckled, handing her the homework that you had done. "Copy off of mine."

"(Y-Y/N), I can't possibly-"

"I insist. Now come on, hurry up and write it down before the teacher collects it," you interjected. She smiled, making your cheeks turn a tinge of pink. You always thought it was cute when she smiled, constantly telling her she should do it more often.

Maybe she was insecure about her smile or something, but she shouldn't have been.

Everything she did just made you like her more and more. However, it pained you that she could never and would never be able to know that.

After a few seconds of watching Toko frantically copying down your homework, you suddenly started to cough. And not just tiny coughs. Loud coughs that came in clusters. Toko paused what she was doing and looked at you with worry.

"H-Hey (Y-Y/N) you okay?" Toko asked with concern lingering in her voice.

"Y-Yeah, it's probably just a cold coming on," you said between coughs. "I'll be alright. Don't worry about me."


By the time you got home from school, you were coughing so much. Somehow when you stepped into your house and coughed some more, a light purple flower petal fell out of your mouth along with some blood that slightly stained it.

What..? A flower petal?!

You forced yourself to cough again and more blood-stained flower petals came out of your mouth. You watched in horror as they fell gracefully to the polished wood floor. Tears trickled down your cheeks as you grabbed your laptop and searched up your symptoms on Google. One result specifically stood out to you.

"Hana...haki disease?" you whispered, wiping your tears with your sleeve. "An illness born from unrequited love."

Right. You knew the exact cause of your sickness.

You had gotten Hanahaki Disease via Toko Fukawa.

The Google results had said that the only ways to cure Hanahaki Disease were to either get surgery to remove the flowers from your body or to get Toko to confess to you. If you didn't do either one of those things in a certain amount of time, the flowers would fill up your lungs and you would suffocate and die a painful death.

However, if you got the surgery, you would lose all the feelings you had for Toko, and you couldn't afford it anyway. You didn't want to force Toko to confess to you either... you figured you would much rather die from this disease than force her into a relationship that she wouldn't be happy in.

Toko Fukawa x Fem!Reader One Shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora