Toko x Reader: !July! One Shot

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It was a cool summer night.

The Fourth of July.

"Hey, Toko!" you smile at the girl who had been your best friend since childhood. "How about we head to the beach now?"

The both of you had never been able to be torn apart or separated.

Wherever one of you went, so did the other.

Every Fourth of July, you would go over to the beach to watch fireworks. For you, it was technically tradition to go together. Occasionally, you'd bring some friends, however pretty much only paying attention to each other. You were the only person she would openly express her feelings to. And for her, it was the same.

"Eh, I-I d-don't know, (Y-Y/N). I-I'm not really f-feeling the urge t-to go s-see f-fireworks today," Toko replies, looking insanely nervous. You furrow your eyebrows at her.

"Huh?! But you love fireworks!" your loud and shocked tone of voice makes her flinch.

"T..To be honest with you, (Y-Y/N), I-I don't r-really," she sighs, fixing her glasses.

"I'm not so sure about that," you scoff, folding your arms. "Now come on, let's go. I don't care if you don't like them, I just want you to go with me. Please?" 

You take her hand.

"F-Fine... I..I guess I will..."


"I'm just wondering," you say quietly as you and Toko start walking to the beach, hand in hand. "If you've never liked fireworks, why'd you go every year leading up until now?"

It wasn't very unusual for you two to be holding hands. You were best friends your whole lives, anyway. You'd been taught at a young age to stick together.

"W-Well, I mean, i-it should be obvious," she stammers. "I.. w-wanted you to h-have fun.."

"Hey," you laugh. "You don't have to try and make me happy. You know that, right?"

"U-Um.. uh-huh.."

You shortly reach the beach, walking over to the cool sand and placing your blankets on it so you could sit down.

Once you were comfortably settled, the fireworks started to crackle and explode in the starry navy blue sky. The sight of all the lights was mesmerizing. It was somehow unlike any other fireworks you had seen on the Fourth of July all the years before.

You couldn't help but zone out on them.

Even though Toko wasn't that interested in fireworks, she had to at least be watching!

Not wanting to miss any second of the show, you quickly turn to her, your happiness quickly discontinued when you see that she had brought a book and a small flashlight to the beach.

"Toko! What the actual hell?!" you yell over the boisterous noise of the fireworks, making her look up from her book. She looks at you for a few seconds before shaking her head and continuing to read. You decide to ignore your buzzkill of a best friend and lay your eyes on the bright exploding lights once again.

You didn't think Toko was going to be that bored. First, you drag her to the beach when she clearly doesn't want to go, then you find out that she's just been trying to make you happy... there is no doubt that you'd feel guilty.

From the day that you first met... she had been such a sweet and amazing girl. Even though it had taken her a while to open up, and quite frankly, she was a bit... rough around the edges, you knew from the start that you were meant to be best friends.

But you realized...

That you didn't want to be...

"Just friends" with her.

You take your gaze away from the fireworks and look down at the ground.

Clearly, you looked upset or sad about "something," because your thoughts were interrupted by Toko asking you if everything was alright.

You didn't answer her.

You didn't want to let anything slip out of your mouth, whether it be about Toko or simply if you were okay.

You wondered...

Could this be...

The end of your friendship with Toko?

No. It couldn't be! You'd never let it-

"I-I l-love you, (Y-Y/N)," Toko suddenly blurts out. Over the loud fireworks, you weren't sure if you heard what she said correctly.

Did Toko just.. say that she...

Loved you?

"P-Pardon me?" you stutter, your eyes as big as saucers.

"I.. I love you, (Y-Y/N)!" she screams right as a huge firework explodes in the sky.

"T-Toko, you're really confusing me," you pant, somehow nearly out of breath. "Please, stop joking around and just tell me what's going on!"

"(Y-Y/N)," she says nervously, putting her stuff down and scooting closer to you. "I-I'm tired of k-keeping it in! I-I can't anymore. I... w-want to be more than 'j-just friends...'"

"Toko, I-I.." your voice trails off. If you didn't turn her down, it could potentially ruin your friendship.

However, you didn't care anymore.

You decided it was time for you to stop bottling up your feelings for her.

"I.. I love you too..!" the words slip smoothly off your tongue. A bright smile creeps up on Toko's face.

"(Y-Y/N)..!" she comes closer to you, grabbing ahold of your collar.

You couldn't believe what was happening.

Were you about to kiss your best friend?

Yes, you were.

Instead of her pulling you by your collar (which you didn't expect anyway), you move towards her, smashing your lips onto hers. At the same time, you hear a massive cluster of fireworks implode behind you both. Quickly realizing what the hell you were doing, you pull away from her in a panicked state. Clearly, Toko had wanted more, because she was blushing intensely and was wiping some drool onto her sleeve.

"I-I'm so sorry!" you gulp. "I-I didn't mean to.."

"H-Heh.. i-it's okay, (Y-Y/N).. not like I-I was p-planning t-to do that..." she laughs. You smile at her.

What a Fourth of July to remember.



reedited; 7/12/21

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