Ch. 3

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Maddison's pov
As I couldn't sleep for the life of me knowing what he did to my mother. It made me angry he took away the person I loved and needed most just to get to me to live out his sick perverted fantasies. She's dead because of me. As I completely lost it throwing anything I could get my hands on mugs vases. As I found the picture of me and my mom.

Happy as can be I just won my first dance competition I remember how proud she was and how happy she was for me

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Happy as can be I just won my first dance competition I remember how proud she was and how happy she was for me. So supportive and loving about my dreams so filled with life as I couldn't help but lash out in anger. As I grabbed another glass smashing it into the ground as millions of shard glass fly everywhere. As I broke down into tears crying uncontrollably. As I grabbed my coat and heading out and right to special victims unit I couldn't wait till morning this is important and shouldn't be waited on.

As detective benson took in my state and asked me what I was doing here so late at night. As her words only made me mad as I spoke my mind about how I was feeling not being silent no more.

"What else would you want me to do go home watch tv sing show tunes pretend everything is ok when he's the reason my mother is dead I can't sleep until we get him knowing he's locked up in a cage with such pain and suffering he made me think my mom committed suicide like she couldn't handle life anymore that being a single parent and with the divorce taking a toll on her he made me feel like taking care of me was the reason she killed herself like she couldn't handle being alone anymore I'm the one who saw my mother that morning dead hanging onto the piece of rope beating myself up for not noticing for not saving her when in reality he shot her made sure she was dead then put her on the rope to fool us he needs to pay for what he put me and my mom through so he knows what it's like to actually suffer to feel pain he's a monster he should be caged up till he dies that is justice." I said with such fury at what this evil conniving man has put me through.

"We're going to bury him with this evidence I promise he'll never see life again detective Rollins and detective tutola are questioning him right now." Detective benson said letting me know something was being done and they weren't giving up.

"Good maybe he'll know what it feels like to be dead inside." I said feeling relieved.

"How'd it go." Detective benson asked amanda and Finn who came out of interrogation.

"He denies the pictures the videos all of it saying someone put them in his apartment to frame him." Detective Rollins said with a sigh as I sighed also knowing it wasn't going to be easy.

"And when you showed him the DNA evidence on the murder weapon then what." Detective benson asked with such hatred for this man.

"He said that bitch is out to get me and somehow planted it she's crazy but when he saw weren't falling for that he turned it around on Maddison she made me do it she made me kill her her mother was getting in the way of her own happiness and the only way for her to be happy was to end it so we could be together that bitch wanted to be with me and now she's putting it all on me it was her plan." Detective tutola said not believing the nerve of this man and just wanted to slap him senseless until he spilled out the truth.

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