Ch. 6

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Maddison's pov
Today was the day I was going back into my normal routine and put some normalcy back into my life. And fight for some happiness in my life and not let what he did to me destroy me and ruin my life anymore. He doesn't get to steal anymore he got enough of me when he raped me and knocked the lights out of my eyes and drained the life out of me. He's away where he belongs and he can't hurt me anymore he feeds off on power and being powerful and in control so I ain't going to give him anymore of my time he robbed enough of my life . Today was the day all of that was going to change I was going to go back to living and living my best life that's how you win against people like him by not letting him break me. So today I was getting back into dance I wasn't going to let him take that away from me and what made me me . I love to dance it's a part of me and it's a part of me and I won't allow him to take that away from me too. I remember growing up and all I wanted to do was be a dancer I was hardworking dedicated and passionate about it I put my blood sweat and tears just to perfect my skill and make that dream a reality. I had talent and a gift in it I wasn't going to waste that away over one heartless son of a bitch who for a living destroys souls he wasn't taking mine . I was going to get through it with strength courage because I am a resilient girl and I can get through anything and survive it and live the life I want and deserve it's in my future happiness is in my future I know it is. As Olivia also wanted me to go to school and get an education and live a normal life as I got her to agree to me being home schooled. So I can focus a lot of my time on dance she was happy I was willing to get an education and she didn't mind if it was through home school.

"Are you sure about this maddison that your ready it's okay if you need more time to heal from what was done to you?. I just don't want you to rush into anything you may not be ready for just want to make sure your going through it and dealing with it also it's a big step maddison you ready to take it?." Olivia asked double checking making sure I wasn't rushing into anything I wasn't ready for making sure I was ready to take the next step.

"Yes Olivia I'm sure I'm ready to do this I need to get out of their and start living again I can't just stop living just because of what that sick son of a bitch done to me. Life is more than just pain and suffering in all of life's trauma theirs good times and happiness between all of that. I got to make sure I still live even while going through trauma or I'm gonna keep drowning this is how I keep my head above water is by moving forward. And living my best life I ain't going to let that sickening piece of shit win he only wins if I let him continue to control me and my life . I need to take back that power and life he stole from me back and that's through dance . I'm going to make my future shine so bright he didn't break me I ain't numb or lifeless or disposable I can still have a life even while going through hell. Dance and therapy can help heal me and all come to you if I get to that dark place I ain't going to stop dealing with it I promise I just got to have a life while doing so. And it's gonna be you and your squad your the only ones I trust with my life I love you for looking out for me though and caring about my wellbeing though but all be fine . I'm tougher and stronger than I realized and I can get through any hardship life or anyone throws my way and defeat it and win because I'm a survivor and warrior. My life isn't over or end because of that sick bastard josh hayes." I said self assured and confident feeling empowered like I could take on anything like I could get my life back and be happy again like nothing was impossible.

"I'm so proud of you Maddison for believing and seeing that you can still have a life and future that you can move past this and move forward . I'm happy he didn't take and steal that light from you and your taking back that life by living your best life and continuing to do what you love and that's dance. Your resilient and brave and that takes courage your tough and a survivor and you'll make it through this I know you will because you never stop fighting. I see that in you and just know I'm here and I ain't going nowhere and you ain't alone through any of it . I'm here fighting for you too if you need anything you can turn to me and my squad for help you have support with us will help make you thrive. And get everything you want and deserve in life because you do deserve it maddison . I love you and your gonna be okay and heal from all that happened and was done to you I know you will. Just keep pushing and moving forward till you get to your place of peace you will get their in time." Olivia said bluntly and heartfelt and proud of maddison for how far she's getting in her recovery and is still continuing to fight and survive through all of the hard times and demons . And she decided to keep moving forward and to live life that's her girl Olivia saw a little of herself in maddison .

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