"She should of been worrying for herself instead of that thing that tried to kill us. She should have been standing back here like the rest of us and then none of this would be happening," Dez pointed out in an attempt to explain her thoughts on the situation. Did she particularly like this Clarity Springs? No, not in the slightest, but that didn't mean she had to sugar coat the other woman's stupidity in this situation. Anyone with even a dash of common sense would have realized the true gravity of the situation. It was very clearly life or death. A standoff between two nonhuman creatures. There was no need for her to throw herself into the fray. Being brave was one thing, being stupid was another.

"Dez, a little honey with that bite, would you?" Yaz hissed at her partner's harshness. "She's his cousin, go easy." Sure, her fellow officer had a point, but getting angry and worked up about it wasn't going to help anyone. If only Dez would remember her training and use a little restraint like Yaz herself was doing now. She was dealing with a victims family. Her partner should be trying to comfort the Sinclair's not antagonize them. Ryan didn't do well when people angered him. Yaz should know, she could recall multiple fist fights in the school yard as a child. Watching Ryan fight some other boys who made fun of him for not knowing how to ride a bike, or being able to climb the ladder to go down the slide, or even having to sit on the sidelines during gym class. There had even been some times that she had to break up a fight herself because no adults had been present. But besides all that, Ryan was still Yaz's childhood friend despite them drifting apart in later years. Even though Yaz had never met Clarity before today she couldn't just stand there and let Deserey trash his cousin.

"So what if she is? I'm right. That brunette didn't have her priorities straight," Deserey scoffed. "She named the damn cable thing for Pete's sake."

Yaz sighed. She did her best to keep her co worker in line. With her condition she often needed reminders to be on her best behavior, since she was easily temperamental. But sometimes a reminder to remain nice and calm just wasn't enough, and by sometimes Yaz really meant most times.

"Alright! That's enough! You two quit your squabbling!" Graham pointed to Desery and Ryan. "-and you quit waving that sonic thing around." He pointed at the woman. "We have to go save Clarity. Now. You all saw what he did to that guy in the garage. She's in trouble!" Graham snapped, already gathering up the junk weapons and passing them to Grace. Someone had to take charge here. Might as well be him, until that alien lady came up with some clever idea.

"That's what I'm trying to do, Graham," The woman replied, running to the edge of the building, leaning out over it, trying to get a signal. The crystal on her sonic flickered, as she searched.

"Yeah, Well your way doesn't seem to be doin much good now is it?" Graham snapped.

"Graham!" Grace chastised. "She's going to be fine. Yellin and ordering people about won't help her."

"You can't know that, Grace. Not really. Every second we waste up here is another second that that the monster has her. Who knows what he could do to her? She's helpless against that thing!" Graham ranted, overwhelmed with worry.

"You don't give Clarity enough credit. She's stronger than you think she is," The woman spoke up, slipping her sonic in her pocket.

"How would you know a thing like that? You don't even know her. You just met her," Graham glared. "Don't talk as if you do either. This alien fellow takin her, that's all your fault."

"I know. You're right that is, and you have no idea how sorry I am that she was taken. But I've seen enough of her tonight to know that she's going to make it out of this alive. I promise, I'm going to get her back to you safe and sound, Graham." The woman vowed. She just hoped she would be able to keep that promise.

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