15. No Need To Ask Forgiveness

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Camp escaped the first earthquake largely unscathed but the same couldn't be said for the second. For safety reasons it was located on a wide plateau of undeveloped rock Starfleet was planning to turn into another docking area. We were well away from the wreckage so it was as safe a place as any. Later I was told that it was rare for this planet to experience seismic activity; so two earthquakes in the span of ten days was unheard of. The Captains had their best people on it. Our entire team was currently spread across the two starships, as camp was now deemed unsafe, and a new plan was being formulated.

But that took a backseat in my mind. I used my time trying to figure out what had happened down there. Not the disappearances but with me. While everyone was impressed with how I'd saved our lives, I was confused and scared. I shouldn't have been able to do that. 

Because of the work Spock had done with me he knew what I'd accomplished was way out of the range of my skill; and by the reports Spock filed for Jim, Kirk knew too. While Jim thought it was fine and that maybe my telekinesis just needed a shove to grow, I knew that wasn't true. For years I had pushed the limits but never, ever, had my telekinetic ability grown since I hit puberty, nor did it show any signs it ever would. This new development bothered me; a lot, and the headache that had lasted for three days wasn't fun either. Strangely the pin and needle feeling wasn't going away; in fact it was spreading much to my annoyance.

Spock must have felt my mood because he didn't probe me with questions. The same couldn't be said for other Vulcans. As Enterprise was the most advanced ship in Starfleet, crew from the Montana went regularly back and forth to use its systems. And since the Montana had a very large number of highly inquisitive Vulcans, it was almost impossible for me to be alone. Even when I tried to hide they still found me thanks to the damn computer.  

I prayed none would look for me right now. I'd found a new favorite hiding place. I didn't know why or how, and didn't care, I'd found an out of the way spot where the gravity didn't work. It was in this ten-by-ten room I was sitting on the ceiling, trying to mediate like Spock had shown me. But since the Vulcan way of meditation was difficult I opted for what I thought the Human alternative was. I sat breathing deeply, eyes closed, trying to be calm and think on my problems one at a time, hoping solutions would present themselves. So far it wasn't working.

A loud bang below instantly set me on guard. "Jasmine, Jasmine," I relaxed on hearing McCoy's voice, "where are you, missy?"

"Up here." The dark head of my friend popped up through the hole.

"I hate this zero gravity bullshit. Catch." He tossed a datapad at me and hefted himself up.

"Seems like you hate everything about space," I joked.

"I do, but my wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. I had nowhere else to go. But that's not why I'm here." He settled himself beside me. "I have something to show you," he sounded a little nervous. "Look here," I saw my sisters name branching off into other names and more from them. "Click there for modern day relatives."

"We're related." I'd figured if I had any family they'd be names I didn't know and people I probably wouldn't ever meet. I wasn't sure how to feel knowing my friend was actually my great times many nephew. Surprised was putting it mildly; and while I wasn't depressed or disappointed, I wasn't jumping for joy either. McCoy was proof I never got to see some of the most important events in my sisters lives; and knowing those moments had been stolen from me left a sort of hollow feeling in my chest. But at the same time it also proved my sisters had left behind a legacy and so, in a way, their stories were still continuing; and I could witness it when they couldn't.

"But you never inherited any of their abilities."

"Could be your sisters never passed them on or those genes were bred out. Are you okay?"

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