Chapter 5

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**5 months later**

5 fucking months in this hell hole and there's nothing to do, the chief put me and Sumi in a different cell but were right next to each other. I won't lie, the pudding in here is really good. 

I really hope i can get some excitement in here, Sumi and Lisa always argue, 3 police officers come and bother the hell out of the 3 of us and the chief is hitting me 24/7. Meaning i go to the nurse room often. Mostly, is pretty chill, except Saturday's. There's always fights and sometimes, the police can't stop it.

"Aish, I'm bored!" Lisa yelled as she hit the bars and slide down to the floor.

"Damn, shut up already,you've been saying that the past hour!" Sumi yelled back at her. 

"Babo, how about you shut the fuck up and let me say the shit i want to say." Lisa said out loud. 

"The shit you say is the same thing you said yesterday,and the day before that,and the day before that, and the day before that, and--" 

"We get it, shut up already!" Lisa said standing up. 

"Little blond bitch can't shut the fuck up!" Sumi yelled back. 

"Uhhh, I'm getting you outside." Lisa said smirking.

"Bitch please, you'll be on the floor less than 10 seconds." Sumi said laughing sarcastically. 

"GIRLS CAN YOU STOP FUCKING ARGUING!!" I yelled at them. Damn every fucking day there arguing like if life depends on it. 

"Listen, we all are bored, and we all are going to be let out in a while." I said trying to calm them down. 

We sat down in full silence for like 5 minutes until a police officer came in front of my cell and looked at me. 

"You have a visitor." The officer opened the cell, i stood up and walked towards him. He handcuff my hands and started walking towards the visitors center. As soon as i got there, i saw my two best friends, Ji-Woo and Ha-Yoon. I can feel my eyes getting teary. 

The officer sat me down and i looked at them. 

"10 minutes." The officer said, he unhooked my handcuffs and walked away. 

I grabbed the phone that was on the left side of me, my friends did the same and Ji-Woo started crying. 

"Ji-Woo don't cry." I said making her nod and clear her tears. 

"We are sorry that we didn't helped you when you needed it. We were barely there--" 

"It's not your fault, I distant myself from you guys. I didn't want anything that was happening to me to happen to you." I interrupted Ha-Yoon, it's true, I didn't want them to know or be part of what's happening to me. 

"But could've at lease told us something, that way we could've done something in secret." Ji-Woon said wiping the tears. 

"No! My father would've found more toys to play with." I raised my voice. 

"We discover something." Ha-Yoon said as she grabbed her phone. 

She scrolled through her phone and showed me a picture. It was a record of many girls names and pictures. 

Jail Partner (Yoongi X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें