Chapter 9

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I have been planning my escape for at lease that I know 3 years but ever since I heard that a new girl in the ladies jail just came and killed her parents, I could only think of (Y/n), she talked a lot of how much she hated  her parents and that she wanted to leave. Back then in high school, I was a nice guy, now, I'm another devil. 

Ever since that day, I became more cruel, more dominant, more bad attitude and I regret that. I lost most of my friends, I lost the girl that I loved, she even forgot me, my name, my face, my image. Everything. 

"Yoongi!!!!" I heard a guy yell from the other side of the place. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?" I yelled back at the guy, this dude has been getting on my nerves for a while now, he Is here for selling drugs to minors. 

"Damn, calm down hottie, I wanted to talk." I could see his disgusting grin on his face making me scoff. 

"How about you jerk yourself off." I said jumping on the bed and laying down, I didn't notice a piece of paper falling and flying away towards the guy on the other side. 

He bent down and grabbed it. I heard him chuckle and laugh making me groan. 

"Can you shut the fuck up!" I yelled at him.   

"I've been telling Taehyung to look after you while I'm away, I know you don't know me yet but I'll find you, help you get out of this hellhole. I know you won't remember me but believe me, you'll remember when you come here, just do these things I have listed....."

"Where's the rest Yoongi?" The guy said laughing and waving the paper.

I sat up and walked towards the bar, my blood was boiling out of anger.

I wrote that note for Taehyung, I'm planning on breaking out of here. But I want to with (Y/n), when I have here I'll start my plan.

"Give it back Hin, it's mine!" My teeth gritted making him chuckle.

"Is it that important to you?" He smirked looking at it then showing it back at me.

"YES!" I yelled at him making him look at the paper then smirk.

"Let's make a deal, you give a blowjob and I'll give you the paper." He said making me grip the bars.

"What if I don't? " I said trying to see what I can get out of this.

"Then I'll show this to an officer, I bet chief will give you then 50 years in prison." He smirked.

"Fine!" I loosen my grip on the walls and lay back down on the bed.

"It better be a good one." Hin said putting the paper in his pocket.

"Oh believe me, you won't be able to walk for a week." I said closing my eyes.


So I was making a plan to get my paper back. When we go to lunch break and have at least 4 to 5 hours of free time.

When we go to lunch, we have a spoon and a fork. Im planning on grabbing a fork and hid it into my clothes.

But Hin's horny ass wants it right after the bars open up. So I plan on grabbing a peace of bone. The guys next to me have bones as weapons.

Usually they suck and carve them with there teeth. I've seen how they do it and it's quite impressive. They be really sharp.

I sat up from my bed and look to see if  Hin is asleep.

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