Chapter 4

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Nose gets the Invite

Ralph smiled as he received the delayed message from Inquisitive Nose. Looking up her previous work, he laughed at how many had involved the human Pack Fathers, and those around them. He forwarded it to Dancer with a note, *Have them come with their camera, and we can do some footage of us having a party and enjoying ourselves. Book a meeting the next day for an interview, so she can put it all together, but ask for us to review it before release. Offer a room during the stay as well.* It would be fairly enjoyable if the Folicans could get used to them.

Dancer rolled her eyes. That woman had definitely made a name for herself. She wasn't part of either of the packs but she was very close with them and even had a pup with Ray. She was almost the go to woman when it came to wanting information about the humans and even Earth. It had been several decades since the interview with Hands. She did more than just human type of things. Her company had been smart and quickly elevated her through the ranks, *Can do and she's very careful with what is broadcast. She likes the packs and does her best to stay on their good side. It isn't anything other than ensuring any reporting is as neutral as possible. She's done both good and bad aspects of being human.*

Ralph sent his agreement, *That is what I was looking for and I have seen some of her interviews, and they are well done.*


When Nose received the invite to go to the new pack, she damn near hit the roof. Just dealing with Hands and Ray had moved her career along and this would help also. She loved both packs and had a pup with Hands. When he came back with purple and brown bracelets, she wasn't surprised. Many of Ray's and Hands' pups came back as either Liraque or Pack Fathers. Not all but many. She had a feeling the Goddess and Pack Lord was using them to increase the number of both. A fair number of Hands' pups were Liraque which was still getting raised eyebrows.

The new pack was some sort of offshoot of human's since they could change shape. To be honest she was almost burning with curiosity to meet them and find out about them. It wasn't just being a reporter, but she'd always been a curious person. When she was a pup, she'd wanted to know everything and this was going to drive her nuts. After reviewing everything she could find on them she finally contacted the Pack Father.

*Pack Father Ralph, this is Inquisitive Nose. You wished to speak to me?* She almost was bouncing in the chair she was sitting on. If she'd been standing, she'd be pacing.

Ralph smiled, as the request had just gone out, and he could feel her excitement. *Yes, we received your greetings and decided to just have an open house, as we call it, and Dancer, my Liraque, suggested a block party. We would like you to come for the coverage, and also to send out the invite to everyone that wants to meet us.*

She sipped on some coffee before she replied, *Nice idea, I'd be more than happy to come and do a local broadcast for you. I've been wanting to meet some wolves and thank you for thinking about me.* She was already booking tickets to their location.

Ralph smiled, *You are welcome, and don't worry about a hotel, we have a guest room set aside for your stay.*

*My camera woman and I'll be there tomorrow. I already have tickets though it's going to be late afternoon. Thank you for this honour.*


Invites go out

Nose was sitting in a small room she could use. They didn't need some huge room for things like this. With the holoprojectors they could make the room look like almost anything. She usually settled for a normal looking office with a nice desk, some nice artwork, and a few other items to make it look comfortable. She nodded at her camera woman, "Good afternoon, this is Inquisitive Nose and I was asked to let the neighbours of the new pack there is going to be a block party this coming Saturday. I'm going to be there myself. I've met a few of the wolves and they seem to be some good people." She was doing her best not to stumble over the word wolves since it wasn't a Folician word and didn't translate well.

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