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Maddison's pov
I ran and ran until I was sure I was out of sight but I started feeling dizzy and my vision felt hazy. Like I just had been drugged. As everything fade to black. As I wake up to two detectives by my bedside who said their names were Olivia benson and Amanda Rollins. As I started to panic and freak out as I started by asking what happened to me as I couldn't remember anything in that moment as I was confused.

"You don't remember two police officers found you in an ally with your shirt torn stripped down into your underwear unconscious barely breathing." Detective benson said with such compassion.

As my only form of response was to shake my head no.

"Well Maddison can you tell me the last thing you do remember." Detective benson asked.

"I remember running until I couldn't run no more then suddenly feeling dizzy and my vision becoming blurred." I said as my eyes started to water staining my cheeks as I wiped my tears away quickly.

"Do you remember what you were running from? And who? They may have sexually assaulted you." Detective Rollins asked with such empathy.

As I suddenly remembered who and why I was running from I started to freak out as I thought about him they could never know as I started to outburst.

"Forget it he didn't do anything to me you're mistaken can I go now I just want to go back home." I said panicking about to lose it.

"Who are you afraid of who are you protecting he needs to speak for his crimes because what he did to you is not ok and he needs to pay." Detection Rollins with such love and emotion for this poor girl.

"Nothing happened ok and it doesn't matter I don't know who he is." I said freaking out starting to lose it as my heart rate felt over the roof.

"By your reaction I would say that you do you don't need to be afraid we're here to protect you he needs to own up for what he did so he can't do this to other girls we need a name." Detective benson said with such love and passion in her voice wanted nothing more to catch the bastard who did this to me but I couldn't help but defend him. As I started to lose it in the moment as I was an emotional mess.

"What's the point I know how this going to go it's not going to go in my favor because of who I am I'm seen as the damaged trouble foster kid who was seeking out to get attention theirs no such thing as justice in my eyes he'll be seen as a saint who gave me a place to stay a home and took care of me and besides it's my fault I let my guard down and trusted him even though I shouldn't of should've known he was out for one thing himself but I thought he was different he was sweet and charming he said things that were personal like the whole world may see you as damaged but I see you for who you are someone who's gonna take on the world someday with your talent he made me feel like I mattered. I said spilling my guts as more and more tears fell from eyes at every word I spoke and rant.

"So he came on like a father figure someone to guide you and look after you." Detective Rollins asked with sympathy for the girl who's been through hell. As I nodded my head yes at the question.

"When did it start getting sexual." Detective benson asked with such love and care as she felt emotionally attached to all the victims.

"5 months ago he said that I owed him for all that he did for me taking care of me and giving me a place to live but when I fought back he smacked me and said don't be a selfish bitch show me you appreciate me and that's when he had me go down on him." I said as more tears threatened to spill the more I confessed and thought of the memory. As I couldn't help but blame myself for what happened. " I should have never put myself in that situation I trusted to easy that's my problem." I said with such defiant angry at myself for what I put on myself.

"This isn't your fault Maddison it's his he took advantage of you and manipulated your trust in him he made you feel like you could lean on him that he cared so he could lure you and do whatever he wanted he preyed on you he's a sexual predator and we're gonna need a name so we could get the son of a bitch who beat you and raped you." Detective benson said with such compassion and heartfelt at every word she said wanting the girl to know it wasn't her fault she always wanting her to believe it too.

"Do you really think it's going to make a difference." I said frustrated as I let out a sigh.

"I do." Detective benson said with such heart and hope filled eyes which with all my might I could believe that instead of being hopeless in all this.

"Even if I do this I won't free me from the pain the flashbacks the memories the nightmares all of it will live on forever I could still feel his body on top of me as I struggle to get him off me feeling suffocated like I can't breathe as I feel his warm breath on me as he leaves trails of kisses on my neck while his hands go lower and no trial is going to change that yeah maybe I'd feel good about telling my story and feeling like they believe me or give a damn but it won't cure me or fix me because I'm already dead inside yes I may have survived and that's good but nothing is going to save me from the inner demons and the self blaming and feeling dirty and disgusted for letting it happen what's the point of going through this when theirs a chance he may still get away with it." I said sobbing uncontrollably as I explain the details and my feelings. Giving up on myself.

"The point is to call him out for who he is as the jury and more people bear witness to it that's where the healing starts when you speak up and take a stand and tell your story it's very powerful thing for victims away to feel in control to let the predator know your not afraid you don't own me and I'm not powerless it helps you move forward and I know it feels like nothing but I know people who regret not facing their attacker and letting them get away I don't want that for you your worthy of life don't sell your self short he doesn't deserve your loyalty he doesn't respect you why should you and I know life hasn't been easy for you and I'm sorry about your mothers suicide and I know he swooped in like some hero ready to take care of you and give you a better life but that doesn't give him the right to treat you like nothing but a body to own to satisfy his own needs your worth more than that don't settle for less give me a name please." Detective benson said with such heart and emotion at every word making sure I understood what she was trying to stay as I couldn't help but be speechless at the words no one ever said that to me before as I let out my first smile that day as I knew it was confess a name.

"Josh Hayes." I said with a sigh.

"Two detectives are gonna head to the place to pick him up don't worry we're gonna get this guy and we won't stop until we do you have my word keep fighting and have hope you're going to get through this." Detective benson said as she grabbed my hand and held it as I grabbed it back as I gave her a appreciate smile. Not sure how things were going to go.

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