As bitter-sweet as the situation was, I knew I couldn’t refuse. Spending time with Megan outside of school was different, but a good different, and tomorrow would probably be the last time I would have a chance to do so.

I also wanted to find out if she remembered anything that happened last night between us.

I agreed, “Sure, I helped her move in, might as well help her leave.”

“What was it like? Living with your teacher?”

It was a weird question coming from Shawn but, I knew better than to reveal anything personal about me and Megan’s situation to him. It would look bad on Megan, and even though he was my brother I just felt weird telling him about anything Megan and I had been through in the past few months.

I sighed, “Weird, but we avoided each other most of the time so… I guess it was okay.”

I didn’t know how well I had lied about this, or how convinced Shawn was over it, but I had tried. As much as I hated lying to Shawn it just felt wrong exposing Megan’s secrets to him, because I knew she hadn’t told him anything about us.

I’m sure she was trying to forget it herself anyway.

I knew she thought kissing and getting involved with me had been a mistake, and I didn’t blame her honestly. I was her student, and on top of that I wasn’t the best person in the world. In fact, I was convinced I was the worst, especially for Megan. I wasn’t anything compared to her, and I knew I had been a big ole’ mistake to her, and she was probably grateful she was moving out.

Megan was genuine and true, and she needed someone who would appreciate that. Now don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t suggesting that I was thinking about being with her because relationships obviously weren’t my thing, but I had established that our relationship was weird.

Her moving in had just provoked the emotions and tension to come alive and overtake me because the lust between us had obviously been there. We were both attractive, therefore we were both attracted to each other, and we obviously didn’t look at each other like teachers and students should.

It had been dramatically different.

Then we had opportunities to get to know each other. We had gotten to know each other on a scale I hadn’t thought was possible between me and anyone, but Megan had proved me wrong.

And I was kind of glad she had.

But now here I was, confused as to what I was feeling over the entire Megan thing because of everything we had gone through. I knew I cared about Megan, which was a miracle in itself because caring about anyone was something weird and foreign to me. I liked knowing she was okay, and without her at my house every night I wouldn’t know that.

It was actually a bit unsettling.

Then before I could think any more on it I was sitting in the driveway of my Aunt’s familiar house. I looked at Shawn, knowing he knew I was nervous and that this was going to be extremely hard for me. He tapped my back, “Don’t worry, everyone here will be happy to see you.”

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now