
129 13 1

Twenty one years old



Jared is a twenty one year club owner not just a regular club but a strip club to be exact. Crazy how that sounds since he's only legal enough to drink in the states. Well he opened it when he first turned twenty-one. That mean he's see many of women half to fully naked. It used to turn him in all the time when he first started his club, but he got used to seeing the girls dance for money. He would get a dance or two in private here and there. His parents don't mind it as he is paying for it himself and he's independent. Though he did get his money from doing some illegal activities, but he parents think it's from saving up.

Jared is a very complicated guy. He isn't the most easiest to read. He's could be very quiet or can be very loud no in between. He does keep to himself so that's someone you need to watch out for when you are talking to him. Certain words make trigger him and you can reveal the nasty side of him and that's one thing you don't want to do is bring out the worst in him. He can either destroy your world or make it much better. It's in the hands of the person not Jared.

Jared is more of a sexual man than he is a romantic one. He doesn't like to be all lovey dovey he hated that. All the love he goes straight to sex and ignores the "I love you's". He knows what he wants from a girl and love isn't one of them. He's cold as ice and if you can break the ice cold heart you have won him if you can't you will one hundred percent lose him.

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