The hallway was now empty, all the students ran off to their first block.

        "Harry was never there! You're being paranoid!"

        "And, now, you're lying. Do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone, Niall Horan," Zayn spat walking the rest of the way to his first class with rage.

        Ms. Eva seemed to have seen this expression on his face when he walked in late, so she didn't bother him.

        "Okay, guys, today I want you to draw. I know, I know. You haven't had as much experience in drawing, but I think you all will do well. Now, I want you to draw anything you'd like. But, nothing inappropriate for school. Including penises, Marcus," she said giving a look to a boy in the second row of easels.

        Zayn sighed in relief, something simple.

        Zayn began to draw a face shape.

        He drew the only thing he had drawn every since he laid eyes on the beautiful boy.

        When he was finished, Ms. Eva came to see if work with a smile, "My, isn't he a looker. What's his name?"

        "Harry," Zayn said proudly, "my boyfriend."

        "You're one lucky guy, Zayn," she smiled at him moving onto the next student.

        Yeah, I am, he thought, but he just couldn't smile.

        When Zayn got home he felt empty. It was as if someone had cut out a hole in his chest.

        But, of course, Harry was there to cuddle Zayn.

        "Do you want to talk about it?" Harry asked.

        "No," Zayn sniffled.

        "Zayn!" Doniya barged into the room making Zayn shoot up and look at her with wide eyes. She raised an eyebrow, "Why do you look so guilty?"

        "Erm, because you caught me with-," he closed his mouth noticing she hadn't even spared a glance at his boyfriend.

        "Oh my God! You were watching porn! What the heck? At least lock your door first. So, sorry not sorry, for er interrupting you but Ma's asking for you," she shook her head and closed the door.

        Zayn broke down, "I don't understand!" He cried into Harry's chest.

        "I-I don't know either, Zaynie," Harry said softly petting his head. "You know I love you, right?"

        Zayn looked up at him and smiled, "I know but I love you more."

        "Don't start an argument you can't finish," Harry smirked.

        "Bring it, Styles."


        That was the last good moment Zayn had for the next week.

        Tricia Malik noticed this and, one afternoon, sat him down to talk with him. "Sunshine, what's bothering you?"

        "Nothing, Ma, I'm fine," Zayn said emotionless.

        "I know that you're not fine? Is it Niall? I don't see him anymore and you never got over to the Horan's."

        "I guess you could say it's somewhat Niall," he murmured.

        "What happened?"

        Zayn looked at his twiddling thumbs, "I don't know."

        "This happens all the time in close friendships, all you have to do is-."

        "No, you don't get what I'm saying. It's not just Niall."

        "Than what is it?"

        "Can I show you something real quick?" He suddenly asked.

        "Sure, anything," she agreed.

        Zayn got up from his seat and told her to stay before walking up to his room. He found Harry going threw his notepad while laying on his bed. Harry looked up and smiled, "Hey, babe."

        Zayn kept the frown on his face and asked, "Can you come 'ere for a second?"

        "What do you mean?" Harry sat Zayn's drawings beside him.

        "Just follow me," he ordered with that same frown.

        Harry got up and followed Zayn down stairs. When he saw Tricia his eyes widened and he hissed, "Zayn!"

        "Shut up and c'mon," Zayn snapped back.

        Tricia sat with a confused expression.

        Zayn gripped onto Harry's wrist and stood in front of his mother. When Tricia didn't look at Harry Zayn's bottom lip began to quiver, "You can see him, can't you, Ma?"

        "Zaynie," Harry whispered.

        "See who?"

        Zayn broke down running up to his room.

        "Zayn!" Harry yelled after him.

        "Go away, Harry!" Zayn yelled back.

        Tricia sat there, shocked, still not knowing what was going on with her little boy.




And I left you here and there's only like 3 chapters left. (remember short story)

Anywhore, okay that "whore" in there was not even appropriate right now.

anyWAY, is anyone really liking this?

Do I want to know?

Do I really want to know?

Do I really really want to know?

Do I really really really reALLY want to know?

Do I really really really really-


BTW I hate dentists and their stupid speeches and their stupid voices telling me about my small mouth needs braces and my need to floss.

Biotch, IDGAF!

Lots Of Love! LOL

Tori xx


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