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(UPDATE: Guys, I'm no expert on this topic. I'm a human being with a small idea that I tried to evolve into this fan fiction. I'm not a doctor or a psychologist. I'm not an expert on the topic of schitzophrenia. Just keep that in mind.)

Since you're here that means you made it through the book! Congradulations! You get a prize!

What is it?

An explainatin.

Be happy I made this I was so close to just letting you guys climb back up the cliff ending yourselves and figure it out. But I'm nice, so I didn't.

Now, many MANY of you are probably like "it's impossible! They touched and kissed! They fucking grinded!"


I'm going to give you a paragraph from an artical I read before writing this:

What is schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a severe and debilitating brain and behavior disorder affecting how one thinks, feels and acts. People with schizophrenia can have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, expressing and managing normal emotions and making decisions. Thought processes may also be disorganized and the motivation to engage in life’s activities may be blunted. Those with the condition may hear imaginary voices and believe others are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts or plotting to harm them.

Another artical (wiki) said this:

Schizophrenia (/ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, auditory hallucinations, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and inactivity. Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the person's reported experiences.

In the beginning of this idea I, also, wanted to make sure that schitzophrenics can touch their hallusonations. And they can! This is called a "Tactile hallucination". This is how wikipedia described it:

Tactile hallucination is the false perception of tactile sensory input that creates a hallucinatory sensation of physical contact with an imaginary object.This is caused by the faulty integration of the tactile sensory neural signals generated in the spinal chord and the thalamus and sent to the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) and secondary somatosensory cortex(SII). Tactile Hallucinations are recurrent symptoms of neurological diseases such as Schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, Ekbom's syndrome and Delerium Tremens. Patients who experience phantom limb pains also experience a type of tactile hallucination. Tactile hallucinations are also caused by drugs such as cocaine and alcohol.

Now, I know that even though you can "touch" a tactile hallucination, you cannot apply body weight to it because since it's not real you will fall. So, when Zayn "laid on" Harry's chest, he really wasn't. He was laying on a pillow but thought it was Harry.

In the beginning of the book I gave you guys SO MANY CLUES!

It's so funny that I practically gave away everything! Like Zayn's illness and how he was going to end up in the hospital which led to him being sent to a mental hospital.

I'm going to type up what I had written down as foreshadowment on the first chapter

1: Zayn's untied shoelaces:

*Zayn fumbles causing Niall to laugh

"mate, you need to start buying laceless shoes or you're going to end up seriously hurting yourself"

This foreshadows that later in the book Zayn will hurt himself by tripping over his laces

2: Zayn's trouble sleeping

This is one of the schitzophrenia symptoms.

3: Zayn has mood swings

In the first chapter Niall says "your mood swings are worse than a thirteen year old girl on her period's."

This is one of the schitzophrenia symptoms

4: Zayn hears "voices"

On a regular bases it says "a voice in Zayn's head".

Haha on the end of that I actually put "Readers are mostly unobservent and will not take this into thought". Pretty much you guys just don't give a fuck about stuff like that and you're praying for Zarry smut...

ANOTHER FORESHADOWMENT THAT HARRY WASN'T REAL IS IN CHAPTER FIVE! - "He ran back into his room and Harry was gone. Harry seemed to appear and reappear like it was his job so Zayn didn't question this or the only two wrinkled spots where he straddled Harry. There was no trace of Harry being there, but Zayn shrugged and ran back out of his room to make sure his sister's were ready."

And I also showed Zayn's desprate want for love which could have influenced the hallusonations in chapter two: Zayn didn't want to feel the evil emotion that is envy, but he couldn't help it. He had always wanted someone to love and kiss just to hold. Rather they be boy or girl, he wanted someone who would cuddle him through the night and he would wake up to see them in morning showering them with kisses. He wanted someone who would comfort him and not call him a wuss if he cried. He wanted someone who would surprise him with flowers and poems. He wanted someone who he could tease and joke about with. He wanted someone to argue with. He wanted someone to apologize to with an extraordinary night of love making. He just wanted someone to love him.

C'mon guys I just gave it away!

I put a lot of thought into this didn't I?

Why do you think I said it took like three months to plan it out! So much google history on this stuff!

Last thing I'll say about this is if you have any questions (no hate) on this or are confused feel free to inbox me or comment!


Yes, guys, I will be doing a very short spin off/sequal to this! YAY!

I'm gonna go ahead and reassure you that the ending will not be like this one. It's going to be in "Niall's world" so you'll be seeing how he saw Zayn and all that. It's going to be NIAM yes NIAM and most of the story will be taken place in the mental hospital.

Don't know when that'll be posted but it'll be a.s.a.p. And it won't be that hard to write and finished since it's only like 5-7 chapters.

The title will be "the boy"

ANNNNNNND I want to work on another zarry or zarcel book. I haven't decided. I can give you guys the titles and you can tell me which one sounds most intresting:

S.A.D || zarry au (Social Anxiety Disorder)

Once Upon an Apple Store || zarcel su

these are my favorite ones!! I know there's not many of you but if you'd like to drop a comment on which one sounds the coolest that'd be great!

(btw I'm going to write both of these I just don't know which one to do first!)

Until next time!

Tori xx

UPDATE: S.A.D is posted!

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