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"Jack, something's wrong, get to GW ASAP" Jackie typed as quickly as possible while staring at one of the many PICU room doors

She had no idea what exactly was going on or where MK was. Grace meant so so much to her, and she had absolutely no idea if she would make it out of this. As a doctor opened up the doors Jackie's back pocket was vibrating uncontrollably.

"Is it Gracie?"
"Did something go wrong?"
"What did the scans show?"
"Where's Kathrine?"
"Are you ok?!"

"She's stable for now thanks to the ventilator, at the moment she has a tube leading into her skull to drain the fluid, I really can't tell you if she'll make it through and if she does when she'll wake up. I'm so sorry Mrs. Kennedy, I- I wish we would have caught it earlier"

She walked into the room and was immediately turned to tears, just hours ago she had an obedient, kind hearted, yet stubborn 14 year old. Now she had a practical corpse, with a tube down her throat, tubes everywhere actually, and her eyes taped shut.

Grace's eyes where always Jackie's favorite. They where an odd mixture of brown and green, kinda tie die at times. But when she went blind they just changed, now they were either dark grey or black looking. But on "special occasions" her normal, breathtaking eyes would come back. And in those occasions Grace was lucky she was blind because Jackie would just sit and stare for hours, being mesmerized by them.

Honestly she already missed her not so little girl, she was her companion, somebody that was just overally there all the time. She dug her phone out of her pocket and typed one simple sentence to her husband

"Its bad"
Jack looked down again as he ran into the hospital, one simple message that read "Its bad", this was just motivation to move faster. It seemed like the elevator couldn't go any faster, but once the door opened on the fourth floor he bolted for GW PICU. His little girl's life was in the balance, he had to get to her now.

And as he ran, he scanned each door hanger, that was colorfully decorated with each child's name.

"Hally, no"

"Boston, no"

"Immy, no"

He went all through the hospitals PICU hallway going no, no, no, no. But finally as he turned the corner there was "Grace" for a moment he stopped and thought about what his life would turn to as he opened that door.

"Daddy, please, I need you!" Graces little voice from a young age whispered into his ear

And of course with no doubt he busted up into the room, dashing to his daughter

"Gracie? It's daddy, I'm here now, I'm here, I promise from now on I won't leave" His breathe was taken away as he saw what was supposed to be his 14 year old. In the corner you could hear the coherent sobs of Jackie, so of course he sat down beside her and pulled her into his chest.

"She'll be ok, Jacks" She just sobbed more and more

"Jack, they don't think so, our baby- she's, she's gone. Our first born perfect baby, MY bundle of joy is gone" The words sank as fast as the Titanic did some years ago

More the less, Grace could hear and see everything that was going on.

The only thing missing was her body, and her ability to touch or feel anything.

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