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"Yea she's out, I'll leave some pizza out for her if she wakes up" Jackie said as she entered the dining room

"Well alright it's the younger kids time to shine" Jack said looking toward John as he stuffed his face with pepperoni pizza vigorously, and Kathrine who sat picking around at the food that was placed in front of her

"Daddy can I be excused?" Jack looked down to see nothing on John's plate

"Ask your mother" He replied rubbing his forehead

"Yes you may John, go up to bed, tomorrow is Saturday!"

"FOOTBALL!" He yelled as he ran up the stairs

"Alright so we got rid of one" Jack said looking at Kathrine

For a while she sat at the table picking at the slice of pizza

"For god sake, your excused there's no way you can dissect that anymore!" Jack yelled

Quickly Kathrine left the table and ran upstairs

"Get your pjs on, I'll tuck you and John in in a minute!" Jackie yelled to her youngest kids

"Alright so that went well.." Jack sighed

"So Jackie I saw that talk you had with Grace's coach, what was that about?"

"She suggested a guide dog for Grace"

"Haha that's funny" Jack said taking another bite of pizza

"I think it's a good idea! She"ll have a companion, maybe she'll be happier Jack!"

The couple bickered back and worth, until John yelled from upstairs

"Meet me in bed, where settling this" Jackie said as she walked the stairs

Jack listened in for a while as Jackie kissed all the children goodnight, but dashed off as she finished up with Grace like she did every night.

"So, have you come to your senses that our daughter is unhappy?"

"Well I already knew that Jackie, but yes I've made a decision on the dog"


"I think its a good idea, I say we tell her tomorrow, let her chose a dog, send it to be trained"

"Oh finally Jack! I knew it! HA I WIN!" She exclaimed as she climbed up in bed with her husband

"I say we let all parties win" Jack said as he started to scoot closer and closer to Jackie

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