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"Grace Agnes Kennedy, are you out of your mind?!" Surprisingly Jackie was yelling not Jack

"No, I'm not" She responded calmly

"What kinda attitude was that? Are you trying to embarrass us?"

"Oh so that is what this is about? Embarrassing the two of you?!"

"Grace, no, no Grace, that not what I meant"

"No mom, you do it, you put a plastic tube in my throat, you hook your daughter to a ventilator every night, oh while you guide me, and re-teach me everything, and can't forget the almost daily doctors appointments once I actually get out of here"

"Grace that is no way to speak to your mother!" Jack yelled

"I can't move, I can't see, and now probably by tomorrow night I won't be able to talk. My entire life is gone down the drain, I don't have any muscle left in my legs for either one of my sports that I do and care about. You know, do it, I really don't have anything or anyone to live for. I don't care" After her long out burst she turned the light off and closed her eyes, figuring that her parents where fast asleep she let out violent sobs until she felt a body up against her

"Mommy, I can't move, I can't see, and I won't be able to talk. We might as well say our goodbyes now. I just wanna go home, compete, be with Kathrine and John, wait patiently for Max to come back to me. I don't wanna be a vegetable. I wanna experience life, before I have to shut everything down."

"Let's go home"

"I know momma I wanna go home too"

"No I mean let's go home, let's experience life for awhile. We'll know when to bring you back in"

"Really? Can we do that?"

"I'm sure, it's a big operation we all need time to think about it. We need time with you."

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